
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Anorexia, Antenna, Apartment …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Anorexia, Antenna, Apartment …..


To dream about your ankles indicates that you are seeking support and direction in your life. Ask yourself where you want to be headed.

To sprain your ankle in your dream suggests that you are experiencing some obstacles or difficulties in your progress.

To dream that your ankles are swollen indicates that you are headed down the wrong path. Alternatively, the dream is telling you to get off your feet and relax. You are pushing yourself too hard.

Ankle Monitor

To see or dream that you are wearing an ankle monitor indicates that you are feeling scrutinized about every step or decision your make. You are afraid of making a wrong move.


To see or wear an anklet in your dream refers to the way that your life going and the decisions you made to get to where you are. It also signifies passion and lust.


To dream about your anniversary represents acceptance or appreciation of some aspect of yourself. Consider the type of anniversary. If it is a wedding anniversary, then it symbolizes a celebration of love. You need to accept love into your life. If it is an anniversary of a death or some solemn occasion, then it suggests a new start. The dream may simply mean a reminder of some important date.


To feel annoyed in your dream represents annoyances that you are feeling in your waking life. Something in your mind is bothering you and you need to express them.


To hear an announcer in your dream indicates that you are being watched. Someone is watching your moves or are taking interest in your actions. Alternatively, hearing an announcer in your dream represents a voice from your subconscious.

If you dream that you hear an announcer at a sporting event, then it parallels the actions that you need to take in some area of your waking life.

To dream that you are an announcer means that you are busy observing things going around you instead of partaking in the action.


To dream that you are getting an annulment suggests that you are in denial about something.


To dream that you have anorexia represents your lack of self-acceptance and self-esteem. You need to learn to love yourself and accept who you are instead of punishing yourself. The dream symbolizes your quest for perfection.

Answering Machine

To see an answering machine in your dream suggests that you are not listening to a message that someone around you is trying to convey. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties and frustration in understanding some idea or viewpoint. TOP


To dream that you are in Antarctica represents the challenges and hardships in your waking life and your ability to endure it all.

To dream that you live in Antarctica symbolizes your tenacity and drive, even though the odds may be against you. TOP


To see an anteater in your dream indicates that you need to proceed with caution in some endeavor.


To see an antelope in your dream suggests that your high ambitions will only be achieved through a great expenditure of energy. You will experience much success as a result of your dedication. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you to flee or retreat from some situation.

To see an antelope collapse in your dream means that you are at fault for a broken-up love affair.


To see an antenna in your dream represents your communication with your surroundings. Consider the condition of the antenna to determine your ability to transmit your ideas and convey your thoughts to others.


To see an anthill in your dream suggests that you are trying to avoid doing any hard work. You are feeling lazy. TOP


To dream that you are taking antibiotics suggests that there is some negativity that you are trying to protect yourself against.


To dream that you need an antidote suggests that you are seeking some sort of balance in your life. You may be looking to right a wrong that you have done in the past.


To see or use antifreeze in your dream suggests that you are being emotionally cold and perhaps need to warm up to others more.


To see antiques in your dream represent your time honored values, tradition, wisdom and inherited personal characteristics. It symbolizes something genuine or proven. Certain things in your past are worth holding onto or worth keeping. If you do not like or appreciate antiques, then is suggests that you are moving away from outdated childhood conditioning or old modes of thinking. On a negative note, you may be discarding or rejecting something of value that you should really be embracing and heeding.


To dream that you are using an antiseptic symbolizes healing and cleansing. You need to stay away from negative thoughts and think more positively.


To dream that you are feeling or being antisocial suggests that you are not getting enough alone time in your waking life. Perhaps you feel suffocated or smothered by those around you. You just want time alone with your thoughts or ideas. Alternatively, antisocial sentiments points to feelings of being misunderstand.


To see antlers in your dream are representative of masculine sexuality, male aggression and assertiveness. It may also be symbolic of a trophy or prize.


To see ants in your dream signify your general dissatisfaction in your daily life. You are feeling neglected and insignificant. Or petty things will annoy you throughout the following day. The dream may also be a metaphor on feeling antsy or restless. It may also be a pun on your “aunt”.

Ants also symbolize hard work, diligence, cooperation and industry. Increase business activities are expected. On a less positive note, ants symbolize social conformity and mass action. In this regard, you may feel that your life is too structured and orderly.

According to the biblical interpretations, ants symbolize diligence concerning the things of God. Despite its small size, the ant lays up substance during times of plenty. (Prov 30:25)


To see Anubis in your dream indicates you are in search of clarity. You need some spiritual guidance. Alternatively, it suggests that death is near.


To see your anus in your dream signifies negative emotions that you may be holding in and repressing. It represents feelings of guilt, shame, and self-worth. Alternatively, the anus is associated with either your generosity or stinginess. Consider also you or someone in your life who may be anal retentive and perhaps need to loosen up a bit.


To see an anvil in your dream signifies that you hold the power and key to your own success, although you will surely have to go through some struggle and difficulty to achieve your success.

To see a broken anvil in your dream denotes that you have let promising opportunities pass you by forever.


To experience anxiety in your dream is a reflection of what you may be feeling during your waking life. You may have repressed thoughts, unexpressed emotions, resentment, or hostility that are triggering your anxiety dream. This dream also suggests that you are taking on too many responsibilities.


To dream about an apartment refers to your financial or emotional state. To dream of a large and lavish apartment means that you are headed in the right direction in life. Things will improve for you. To dream of a rundown or messy apartment indicates some financial or emotional turmoil in your life.


To see an ape in your dream indicates deception, mischievous, and falsehood. Alternatively, it may refer that you or someone have gone “ape”. You need to calm down. The ape may also symbolize your wild inner nature, particularly your sexual nature.


To dream of the apocalypse signifies an emotional and dramatic change taken place within yourself. The dream may also indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle and the beginning of another.


To see Apollo in your dream represents growth. As the sun god, he also signifies enlightenment and insight. TOP


To dream that you are apologizing to someone refers to your desire for harmony and truth in your waking life. Perhaps you are feeling guilty about something. Or the dream is a way for your subconscious to alert you to some wrongdoing that you are responsible for. Alternatively, an apology symbolizes forgiveness. You need to let go of some grudge.

To dream that someone is apologizing to you implies that you feel mistreated or wronged. Consider the significance of who is apologizing to you. Perhaps you feel you have betrayed an aspect of your own character.


To see an apparition in your dream symbolizes your spirit for life. It may also be a message from your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream indicates that someone in your life in not really there for you. Although they are physically present, they are not mentally or emotionally there for you.


To dream that things appear out of no where suggests that you need to utilize your intellect in a more creative and productive way. You need to think clearly and logically. Consider the symbolism of the objects that appear in your dreams for better understanding of your mind and its intellectual power.


To dream about your appearance indicates concerns over how others perceive you. If you appear disheveled in your dream, then it implies low self-esteem issues. If you have a good appearance, then it relates to your positive attitude and self confidence.


To dream about your appendix points to a growing issue that you have been overlooking and requires your immediate attention.

Dreaming that you have appendicitis means that you are keeping too many feelings bottled up.

If you dream that you are having your appendix removed, then it indicates that you are confronting some internal hurt that you have been suppressing.


To dream of your appetite suggests that there is an area if your life that remains unfulfilled. If you feel hungry or thirsty, then it symbolizes lust and sexual desire.