
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Apple, Apricot, Aquarium …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Apple, Apricot, Aquarium …..


To hear applause in your dream indicates that you are seeking acclaim and recognition. You need to acknowledge yourself in some area or situation in your life.

To dream that you are applauding another suggests that you need show more appreciation and praise. Try to be a motivator.

Apple Tree

To see an apple tree in your dream symbolizes grandeur and magnificence. You are feeling larger than life.


To see apples growing in a tree in your dream symbolize knowledge, wisdom and great prosperity. Rewards are on the horizon for you. Consider also the common phrase, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” which may imply that you need to take better care of your health. Perhaps you need to go to the doctor. Or the dream may also be a metaphor for a product from Apple.

To dream that you are eating an apple denotes harmony, pleasure, and fertility. Alternatively, eating an apple in you dream symbolizes your sexual appetite, lustful desires, and sexual awareness.

To see green apples represent developing love or love that has yet to blossom.

To see rotten or eaten apples in your dream, indicates that whatever you are striving and aiming for may not be fulfilling, and even harmful to you. It may also represent neglect and carelessness.

If you dream that you are picking apples, then it implies that your hard work and dedication will pay off.


To make applesauce in your dream indicates that you are finding more acceptable ways of expressing your sexual desires.

Dreaming of eating applesauce reflects your simple tastes.


To fix an appliance in your dream represents your need to work on your relationship and prevent it from falling apart. Consider the significance of the appliance for clues on specific area of the relationship.


To dream that you are filling out an application indicates that you are lacking something in your life. Consider the significance of what the application is for and how it relates to your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun that you need to “apply” yourself. You need to put forth some effort in order to excel or succeed.


To dream that you are going to an appointment suggests that you need to be more goal-oriented. If you dream that you miss an appointment, then it indicates that you are not paying enough attention to some minor details and little things in life.


To dream that you are an apprentice suggests that you will have to prove yourself in order to gain acceptance from your colleagues.


To dream that you are approaching something or someone signifies a careful and well-thought out plan. The dream is telling you that it is time to move forward.

To dream that you are being approached means that you tend to wait for things to happen instead of making things happen. Be more proactive. Consider the significance of what or who is approaching you.


To dream that you are looking for approval from someone indicates that you have some dependency issues. You need to stop pleasing others and start thinking about what is best for you.

To see the word “approved” in your dream indicates that you are making the right choice or decision in life. You are on the right track.

To dream that you approve something represents your sense of power.


To see apricots in your dream indicate that something is not what it seems. Perhaps you are in denial about something.

To dream that you are eating an apricot forewarns of approaching misfortune. If others are eating apricots, then it suggest that you will be surrounded by unpleasantness.


To dream of the month of April denotes pleasure and profit are in store for you. In particular, to dream about April Fool’s day indicates that you are acting like a fool or being foolish.


To see an apron in your dream suggests that you or someone is making a commitment to work on some familial task. You are trying to nurture some project. Alternatively, an apron symbolizes protection and secrecy.

To wear an apron in your dream indicates that you are in a submissive position. You are letting others tell you what to do.


To see aquamarine in your dream symbolizes youth, vitality, creativity, and hope. The dream may be telling you that you need to open the line of communication with someone. It may also share some significance with the symbol for water.


To see an aquarium in your dream signifies that you have acknowledged your emotions but have not yet confronted them. Thus, it may refer to your subconscious thoughts or repressed sexual desires. Also, you may feel that your life is going nowhere or that you feel it is going in circles. Alternatively, the aquarium may indicate that you need to calm down and set some time for yourself to relax and unwind.


To dream that someone is an Aquarius represents new ideas, individuality and innovation. You are looking ahead and preparing yourself for the future. It also refers to an aspect of yourself that wants everyone within a group to be happy and satisfied.


To see an aqueduct in your dream symbolizes your spiritual path.


To dream that you are an arbiter refers to your control and power over some matter. You feel that you are above the rules.

To see or work with an arbiter in your dream implies that you are feeling powerless. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are looking for a resolution to some conflict or problem in your life. The arbiter may represent a spiritual message.


To see or draw an arc in your dream implies that you are experiencing some setbacks in your plans or goals.


To see or dream that you are at an arcade suggests that you need to look back to a previous event or experience that brought you much joy and amusement. You want to go back to the good ‘ole days. The dream arcade also serves as a temporary escape from reality. You are trying to numb and block out your problems. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are manipulating others or that you feel manipulated.


To see an arch in your dream represents your support system.

To dream that you are passing under an arch signifies new opportunities. You are headed toward a different direction or phase in your life.


To dream about archaeology indicates your discovery and acknowledgement of your subconscious.


To dream that you are an archaeologist suggests that you need to learn from past experiences or that you need to look to the past to find answers to present issues.


To see an archbishop in your dream suggests that someone has power over you and are making you do things that you do not necessarily want to do. Alternatively, you are feeling confined or restricted. You will experience many obstacles and setbacks before achieving success and prestige.


To see archery in your dream suggests that you are setting your goals and planning your direction in life. It signifies attainment and fulfillment of your goals.


To see an architect in your dream indicates that your creativity is being put to work. You are taking on a new project which will require such creativity.

To dream that you are an architect suggests your need for visual stimulation


To dream that you are in the Arctic symbolizes your emotional state. You may be feeling cold and rigid. Alternatively, it suggests that you are feeling isolated and lonely


To see or dream that you are in an arena indicates that you need to be in an environment where you can freely express yourself. You need a stage or platform for your self-expression. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that there is some issue or problem that needs to be brought into the open.


To dream that you are arguing suggests that you are trying to resolve some internal conflict or some unsettled issue in your waking life. Consider the symbolism of whom you are arguing with and what you are arguing about. How does he or she reflect some person or some aspect of yourself in your waking life?

To hear someone arguing represents issues that are not being openly discussed or acknowledged. You feel overlooked and that your ideas are unimportant insignificant. Sometimes if you hear family members arguing in real life, it can be incorporated into your own dream.


To see argyle in your dream refers to your methodical thinking and analytical mind. Perhaps you are overly analytical. Alternatively, argyle indicates monotony. Your life is becoming too routine and repetitious.


To dream that someone is an Aries suggests new beginnings and growth. It is representative of your leadership, your courage, your passion and your enthusiasm. As represented by the ram, the dream may be telling you that you need to approach an issue or emotion head on. Alternatively, the dream may indicate some mental problem.


To dream about arithmetic indicates that you are evaluating a situation in your waking life where you need to be more rational in your thinking. Try not to act on your emotions

To dream that you are unable to solve an arithmetic problem or equation, parallels a waking problem where you may be confused about. The dream may offer a hint toward a new approach to the waking problem. Something does not add up in your life.


To see an ark in your dream represents rebirth preservation and protection of something valuable. It is symbolic of wholeness.

Ark of the Covenant

To see or find the Ark of the Covenant refers to the strength of your faith and spirituality.