
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Balcony, Bacon, Ball …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Balcony, Bacon, Ball …..


To dream that you are backstabbing someone represents your ruthlessness. Your character is being called into question.

To dream that someone has backstabbed you signifies feelings of insecurity. You have a lot going on in your life at the moment and believe someone is out to get you.


To dream that you are backstage symbolizes opportunities and access. You need to make sure to take advantage of this limited time opportunity. Alternatively, the dream indicates that there are aspects of yourself that you are reluctant to express or show. Or it may also mean that you need to look at some situation or problem from a new perspective.


To dream that you are doing the backstroke suggests that although you are acknowledging your emotions, you are not confronting them head on.


To dream that you are walking or moving backwards indicates that your current course of action may be counter-productive. Whatever you are looking for in life seems to be moving away from you. Thus, you may feel a sense of failure or belief that you are unable to achieve your goals and aspirations. On the other hand, moving backwards in your dream indicate that you need to back off or retreat from a situation that you are currently facing in your waking life.

Dreaming that you fall backwards suggests that you prevented yourself from making a bad decision or mistake. It may also mean that you are not ready to move forward and need to take a step back.


To dream about your backyard represents your childhood memories or your subconscious. Alternatively, dreaming of your backyard refers to the secrets you are keeping. There are some aspects of your life which you want to keep hidden and out of the view of others. The dream also represents some aspect of your life that you have taken for granted. Consider also the phrase “not in my backyard.” In other words, everything is okay as long as it does not happen to you or occur in your own home. The condition of the yard is also symbolic of how well you maintain and balance aspects of your life.


To see bacon in your dream symbolizes essentials, staples, and life’s supply. It may also be a play on the common phase “bringing home the bacon” to refer to earning a living.

To see bacon that has gone rancid in your dream suggests a forbidden situation.


To dream that you are feeling bad suggests that you are off balance, off centered, or even feeling worthless.

Bad Breath

To dream that you have bad breath suggests that you need to think twice before opening your mouth. Think about what you are saying first before expressing yourself and offending others.


To see or flash a badge in your dream represents recognition of your position. You are held in high honor and prestige. You regard yourself highly. Alternatively, it signifies your need to belong and to be part of something.


To see a badger in your dream signifies your persistence and final victory over your opponents. The dream may also be a pun on how you are badgering others or vice versa. Perhaps someone, especially someone of power is bothering you and giving you a difficult time.


To play or watch a badminton game in your dream indicates that you need to make a decision quickly or else opportunities will pass you by. You need to learn to keep up.


To see a bag in your dream represents the responsibilities that you carry. If the bag is ripped or torn, then it indicates that you are carrying a lot of burden. The symbol may be a metaphor for an “old bag” and refer to someone who is old.

To dream of a bag full of junk symbolizes that you are burdened with worries and problems; you have to find a way on unloading some of this burden.


To see or eat a bagel in your dream suggests that there is key element missing from your life. You are not completely whole. Alternatively, it refers to sexual urges.


To see or carry baggage in your dream refers to the problems and things that you are carrying on your shoulders and weighing your down. You feel that you are being held back by past emotions or problems. Alternatively, baggage symbolizes your identity.

Baggage Claim

To dream that you are at baggage claim suggests that you are experiencing a lack of identity. You are not sure who you are or who you want to be.

Baggage Scanner

To see a baggage scanner or have your baggage scanned in your dream implies that your identity is under scrutiny. You feel you are being judge. Alternatively, the dream refers to a lack of privacy. You feel exposed.


To see or hear bagpipes in your dream signify strength and virility. You will overcome your struggles.


To dream that you are making bail symbolizes your need to accept help in your business dealings. This dream is trying to make you acknowledge that it is perfectly all right to accept a helping hand.


To see a bailiff in your dream suggests that you have crossed a certain boundary and now must be held accountable for your actions.

To dream that a bailiff is arresting you signifies your need to improve your business ethics. Your integrity is being called into question. Alternatively, the dream points to conflict in your waking life.


To see bait in your dream suggests that you may be fishing for a deal or a compliment. It may also indicate your desire to lure or entice someone. TOP


To see a bake-house in your dream signifies danger and pitfalls that you may be encountering in your waking life.


To see a bakery in your dream signifies richness and success. Your future will be an enjoyable, pleasant and filled with satisfaction.


To dream that you are baking represents your creative self and your ability to make things happen. If you are mixing ingredients together that you normally would not combine, then it suggests that you need to find a connection between two seemingly different things. Perhaps these things that seem incompatible may yield surprisingly but positive results.


To see or wear a balaclava in your dream refers to a sinister or painful secret you are keeping. This secret is creating a burden for you and becoming too hard to keep. Alternatively, wearing a balaclava refers to your desire for anonymity in a situation.

To see someone in a balaclava represents the shadow aspect of your persona. It also points to fear that you have suppressed.


To dream that you lose your balance suggests that you are having difficulty weighing your options and choices in some situation.

Balance Beam

To dream that you are walking on a balance beam indicates that there is a situation that requires your focus and full attention. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for the various aspects that you are trying to balance in your life.


To see or dream that you are on a balcony refers to your desire to be seen and noticed. You are searching for prestige and higher status. It may also mean that you are on your way up the social ladder. If the balcony is clean, then it indicates that you are looked up to by others. If the balcony is old, then it suggests that your public image is in need of repair. Alternatively, the balcony could signify your ambivalence regarding a situation. You are feeling torn or undecided.


To dream that you are going bald suggests a lack of self-esteem or worries about getting older. Alternatively, baldness symbolizes humility, purity, and personal sacrifice. You are at a stage in your life where you are confident in fully exposing yourself.


To see or play with a ball in your dream symbolizes completeness and wholeness. It may also indicate that you need to be more in tune with the inner child within. The dream may also be a metaphor for the testicles. Consider also the phrase, “he’s got balls” to indicate guts and strength.

If you dream of rolling a ball or see a ball rolling, then the dream may be metaphor that you need to put your plan into action. It is time to stop idling and start moving things along.

To dream that you are watching a ball game indicates that you need to take more initiative. Your lack of action may stem from your shyness which you must overcome. Perhaps you are too overly self-conscious.

To attend a ball in your dream refers to your celebration of life. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer.

Ball Pit

To see a ball pit in your dream symbolizes celebration, joy and youth, especially if there are children playing inside it. It is a reminder to be more carefree and spontaneous.

Dreaming that you are inside a ball pit implies that you need to put in your full effort toward a relationship or goal. Give it your all.


To dream that you are a ballerina suggests that you are moving through the obstacles of your life effortlessly. You feel unrestricted. It is also a symbol of innocence, frailty, and vulnerability. Alternatively, you may feel unable to attain and measure up to society’s ideals of beauty.

To see someone you know as a ballerina indicates that this person is tiptoeing around certain issues instead of confronting it.


To dream that you are watching a ballet symbolizes balance, cooperation, and harmony.

To see or wear ballet slippers in your dream represents your understanding of the principles of balance and grace. You carry yourself with much poise and get along well with others.

Ballet Shoes

To see or wear ballet shoes in your dream means that you need to approach a certain problem or situation with attention, care and decisiveness. Wearing ballet shoes can also imply that you are well balanced and level headed