What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Balloon, Bananas, Bank …..
To see balloons in your dream indicate declining hopes and disappointments in your search for love. A situation in your life will take a turn downward. Balloons also represent arrogance and an inflated opinion of yourself.
To dream that you or someone is blowing up a balloon represents your aspirations, goals and ambitions. You are experiencing renewed hope.
To see black balloons in your dream symbolizes depression, especially if the balloons are descending.
To see an ascending balloon in your dream signifies frustrating conditions in your life in which you are seeking to rise above. You are expressing a desire to escape. On a positive note, balloons symbolize celebration and festivities. You need to acknowledge your inner child.
To see a balloon pop in your dream symbolizes an unrealized goal or dream. It may also represent the stresses in your life. The pressure may be starting to be too great for you to bear.
To see or dream that you are in a hot air balloon suggests that it is time to overcome your depression. The dream may be a metaphor indicating that you are losing your ground or your foothold on some situation/problem. Alternatively, it represents the process of individuation and your quest to fulfill some spiritual needs. You feel the need to be elevated in someone’s eyes.
To see a ballot in your dream represents a decision that needs to be made. If your name is on a ballot, then it indicates that you are seeking support, approval or acceptance.
To dream that you are in a ballroom refers to some festivity or celebration. You are having a good time and enjoying life. Alternatively, the dream implies openness. There are some aspect of your life that you need to be more open about.
Ballroom Dancing
To dream that you are ballroom dancing indicates success in your endeavors. You have a positive outlook in life and are willing try anything and give it your all.
To see bamboo in your dream symbolizes trustworthiness, strength and resilience. You are able to easily bounce back from setbacks and disappointments in your life. Alternatively, it refers to strong ties/bonds and fair dealings.
To dream that the bamboo is soft or rotting suggests that there is imbalance in your waking life.
To see bananas in your dream may be a metaphor for repressed sexual urges and desires. It is a phallic symbol and represents masculine sexuality.
To dream that you are eating bananas indicate that your hard work will be met with little rewards or gains.
To see banana peels in your dream implies that you need to be careful about slipping up and making a mistake. If the banana peels are rotting, then it represents some irreversible mistake.
To see a band or play with a band in your dream represents a sense of community and belonging. The dream may also be a pun on banding together and need for cooperation/unity.
To dream that you have bandages indicate your need to heal. You may be feeling emotionally wounded and are trying to cover/shield your hurt from others. Consider where on the body was the bandage for more additional clues.
To dream that someone is throwing bandages at you suggests that someone is causing you some emotional pain. You are hurting on the inside, but manage to keep a happy appearance on the outside.
To see or wear a bandana in your dream suggests that you need to look at issue or problem more objectively. You need to think through your options more carefully.
To see or dream that you are a bandit indicates primitive sexuality and primal lust.
To dream that you are playing a banjo represents togetherness. You need to cherish your time spent with friends.
To hear or see someone playing a banjo in your dream signifies a joyous and happy occasion.
To see a bank in your dream denotes your desires for financial security. The dream may be trying to offer reassurance and that your fears of financial instability are unfounded.
To dream that you are robbing a bank signifies that you are expending too much energy and are in danger of depleting your inner resources. Alternatively, it indicates that money that is due to you is being delayed.
Dreaming that someone is robbing a bank or that you witness a bank robbery symbolizes lack of financial stability in your waking life.
To see a banker in your dream suggests that you are experiencing financial difficulties or money problems and may be too proud to get help. You are feeling out of control.
To dream that you are bankrupt indicates that you need to start taking measures to protect yourself and your resources. You may be feeling emotionally drained or physically overworked. The dream may be a sign of depression. Alternatively, to dream that you are bankrupt symbolizes feelings of insecurity.
To see a banner in your dream indicates your willingness to stand up and fight for a cause or common goal. A banner also means the need for better organization and planning.
To dream that you are at a banquet indicates that you are emotionally malnourished. You are seeking emotional stimulation.
To see a banyan tree in your dream represents shelter and protection. It also denotes the connection between the spiritual and the earthly.
To see a baby being baptized in your dream represents renewal, a new way of being, a new attitude toward life, or a new approach toward others.
To dream that you are being baptized suggests that your sins and impure thoughts are being washed away. Perhaps you are feeling guilty about something that you have done and are seeking forgiveness. Immersion in water represents death, whereas emergence signifies resurrection. You need to let go of your old negative self, so that the new you can emerge and be successful.
On a spiritual note, this dream signifies your renewed faith in God. You are coming closer to self-realization and spiritual fulfillment.
To dream that you are at a public bar signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a light-hearted environment where pleasure abounds. Alternatively, you are seeking acceptance in some aspect of your daily life. The dream may also be a pun on being “barred” from some place or something. You are feeling excluded or held back by circumstances beyond your control.
To see a metal bar in your dream represents your own inner strength. You have the ability and tools to build a solid foundation and future. Alternatively, metal bars symbolize defiance and aggression.
Bar Mitzvah / Bat Mitzvah
To dream that you are at a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah ceremony represents a transitional phase into adulthood. It indicates your social responsibilities, sense of morality, mental reasoning, and hopes.
To see or dream that you are a barbarian represents the savage and instinctual aspect of your character. Perhaps you are being a little too rough or brash. Alternatively, the dream may also refer to your sexuality and your wild side.
To dream of a barbecue refers to a minor issue or transformation occurring in your waking life.
To dream that you are barbecuing symbolizes togetherness, relaxation, and ease.
Barbed Wire
To see barbed wire in your dream represents difficulty in breaking through or getting your point across to someone.
To dream that you are caught in barbed wire symbolizes oppression and confinement. You are feeling trapped and restricted in some relationship.
Barber’s Pole
To see a barber’s pole in your dream indicates that you are contemplating a change in your life. Alternatively, the symbol represents some childhood memory or a piece of nostalgia.
Barbie Doll
To see a Barbie doll in your dream represents society’s ideals. You may feel that you are unable to meet the expectations of others. Alternatively, the Barbie doll refers to the desire to escape from daily responsibilities. It may serve to bring you back to your childhood where life was much simpler and more carefree.
To see a barcode in your dream symbolizes automation, simplification and ease. Alternatively, the dream represents an impersonal relationship in your waking life. You are feeling alienated.
To dream that you are riding bareback represents your ability to balance several difficult tasks at once. Alternatively, to ride bareback in your dream also means that you give your all into a project or relationship. You don’t take the easy route when it comes to doing things.
To dream that you are barefoot represents your playful attitudes and relaxed, carefree frame of mind. Alternatively, being barefoot indicates poverty, lack of mobility, or misunderstanding. You have low self-esteem and lack confidence in yourself. Or you may be dealing with issues concerning your self-identity. You are unprepared for what is ahead for you.
To dream that you are walking barefoot on a construction site means that you are not ready to put in the work necessary to improve your mind or body. Perhaps you are in denial that you need any improvement.
To dream that you are bargaining for something indicates that you are being undervalued. Perhaps you are not putting in as much effort into a project or relationship as you should be. Consider the symbolism of the item and how you feel about it in your dream.
To hear a baritone voice in your dream indicates deceit and suspicion. You need to pay close attention to the words of the voice.
To hear barking in your dream suggests that you are annoying those around you with grumpiness and fussiness. The dream may also be analogous to your tendency of barking orders at people, instead of asking or talking kindly. Alternatively, barking refers to unhappy and disgruntled companions.
Dreaming of the bark of a tree refers to your thick-skinned nature. If you dream of clothing that is made of tree bark, then it indicates that you are putting up a protective barrier. You are not letting others get too close. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are one with nature.
To see or eat barley in your dream signifies good health, progress, and satisfaction with your life.
To see a barn in your dream signifies the feelings that are kept in your subconscious. There is a possibility that you may be holding back your instinctual action or natural urges.
To see barnacles in your dream suggest that there is a situation you need to confront head on before it gets out of control.
To see a barometer in your dream represents the state of your inner feelings and how you are coping with emotions or situations.