
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Bicycle, Bird, Bible …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Bicycle, Bird, Bible …..


To dream that you are making a bet suggests that you are taking a risk in a relationship or work situation which may not be such a wise choice. Use your judgment and proceed cautiously.


To dream that you have been betrayed represents your suspicions about a particular person, relationship or situation. This dream often occurs when you are having feelings of insecurity and are faced with major commitments in your life at the same time.

To dream that someone has betrayed you indicates self-pity. You are feeling sorry for yourself.

Betta Fish

To see a betta fish in your dream indicates that thoughts from your subconscious is close to emerging to the surface. You are ready to confront your repressed thoughts. If there are two betta fish in your dream, then it signifies conflicting issues that you are dealing with.


To drink a beverage in your dream represents your ability to understand and take in a new idea or concept. The dream may be analogous to your thirst for knowledge. Consider the type of beverage for additional meaning.


To dream that you are bewildered indicates that you are stuck in the middle between two opposing views. It represents your indecision and your inability to make up your mind. Such dreams often reflect your waking state of confusion and shock.


To see or read the bible in your dream symbolizes truth, belief, inspiration and knowledge. You are seeking some form of comfort. The bible may also refer to your fundamental belief system. Perhaps you need to turn to the bible more. If you dream of a specific chapter or verse from the bible, then it points to advice that you need to consider in your waking life.

To buy a bible in your dream suggests that you are trying to justify your actions.


To dream that you are riding a bicycle signifies your desires to attain a balance in your life. You need to balance work and pleasure in order to succeed in your current undertakings. If you have difficulties riding the bicycle, then it suggests that you are experiencing anxieties about making it on your own. If you are riding a push bike, then it means that you want to move forward at your own pace and by your own power.

To see a bicycle in your dream indicates that you need to devote time to leisurely pursuits and recreation.

To dream that you are riding tandem in a bicycle suggests that you are more accepting with aspects of yourself or of your partner that you have previously rejected. Dreaming that you are being chased by people on a tandem bicycle means that you are not being cooperative. You are refusing to work together with someone on a project.

If the color of the bicycle was particularly important or memorable, then the dream often relates to specific childhood memories. If you had a yellow bicycle or the neighbor down the street had a red one, then the dream is about what you were going through during that period of your life.


To see a bier in your dream symbolizes a loss.


To dream that someone or something is bigger than normal indicates that you either have an inflated opinion of yourself or of someone. You may be expressing a desire to be more dominant in some situation or relationship.

To see a big figure in your dream represents authority and power.

Big Bird

To see Big Bird in your dream represents friendship and acceptance. It also symbolizes your inquisitive nature. Alternatively, dreaming of Big Bird may serve to bring you back to your childhood. Perhaps the dream is trying to remind you of some old childhood lesson.


To dream that you commit bigamy suggests that you are having an extremely difficult time with weighing out your options and making a decision between two choices.

To dream that you marry a bigamist indicates that you are being deceived by someone in your life. You need to look closely at those who are close to you.


To see bigfoot in your dream symbolizes the unknown and the subconscious. Alternatively, it suggests that you are misrepresenting yourself in some way or that you are misleading others.

To see or drive a bigfoot truck in your dream indicates that you have total control over the path that your life is taking. You do not let anybody stand in your way, especially toward your goals.


To dream that you are wearing a bikini suggests that you are feeling exposed. You may feel unprotected emotionally. It may also signal a return to innocence or youth. Alternatively, a bikini indicates superficial desires.


To dream of your bile suggests that you are moody and irritable. Consider the color of the bile. If the color is dark, then it symbolizes sadness and depression. If the color is yellow, then it represents anger.


To see a billboard in your dream is a sign or message that you need to take note of in your path toward your goals. Consider what advice the billboard is trying to convey to you.


To see bills in your dream suggest that your mind is preoccupied with financial and money matters. You may be feeling overwhelmed with life’s demands.

To receive a bill in your dream represents something that you have done is now costing you in some way or other.


To dream that you are playing billiards represents your competitive nature. You need to learn to win or lose gracefully. Alternatively, it may mean that you need to concentrate harder on a problem in your waking life.


To see or dream that you are a billionaire points to your desires. The dream may be an inspiration for you to work harder. Alternatively, the dream refers to your inadequacies and shortcomings. There is a void in you life.


To see a binder in your dream represents things that you need to keep track and stay on top of. It may indicate emotions and issues that you have overlooked in your waking hours. Consider the contents inside the binder. Alternatively, the dream may be a reference to “binding” something together. Perhaps you need to integrate, incorporate or combine certain qualities within yourself. Or the binder could also symbolize your obligations and responsibilities.


To see or play bingo in your dream symbolizes a sudden revelation. Pay special attention to the dream content as there is something significant and profound that you have learned or discovered about yourself.


To dream that you are looking through a pair of binoculars suggests that you need to take a long and close look at a situation. You need to carefully evaluate your choices and decision.


To see a bioluminescence in your dream suggests that you are seeking attention. Or the dream is telling you that you need to step out of the shadow and shine.


To see a birch tree in your dream indicates self-punishment or guilt issues.


To see birds in your dream symbolize your goals, aspirations and hopes. To dream of chirping and/or flying birds, represent joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

To dream of dead or dying birds indicates disappointments. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are nagging on your mind.

To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled into too many directions. You are experiencing conflict with your spirituality. If the birds are trying to break into houses, then it implies that you are not following your desired path in life. Others are meddling in your life and interfering with your life path.

To see bird eggs in your dream symbolize money.

To see birds hatching in your dream symbolize delayed success.

To see a bird nest in your dream symbolizes independence, refuge and security. You need something to fall back on. Alternatively, it may signify a prosperous endeavor, new opportunities, and fortune.

Dreaming that a bird’s beak is stuck in your neck means that you have been gossiping too much.

To see a bird singing near a fire refers to someone who is consumed by their passion.

Bird’s Eye View

To see your dream from a bird’s eye view implies that you are on top of a situation. It may also mean that you have a new perspective on things. Or the dream is telling you to look at the overall picture.

Bird of Paradise

To see a bird of paradise in your dream represents your hard shell and cold exterior. You need to be more receptive and open yourself to love. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes relaxation. It is time for a vacation.


To see a birdbath in your dream symbolizes spiritual cleansing. You are undergoing a fresh new phase in your life.


To see a birdcage in your dream represents a loss of freedom. You are feeling locked up and unable to fully express yourself