What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Bug, Buffalo, Building …..
Bubble Bath
To dream that you or someone is taking a bubble bath represents ultimate relaxation. You have rid yourself of your worries/difficulties and release all the negative emotions you have been keeping inside.
Bubble Wrap
To see or use bubble wrap in your dream indicates that there is a problem that you need to be cautious in the way you handle it. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking to shield yourself from some emotional hurt.
To dream that you are popping the bubble in the bubble wrap represents your satisfaction with the way your life is going. You have an effective outlet to release stress.
To chew bubblegum in your dream represents your overly carefree attitude. You need to take life a little more seriously.
To see a male deer or buck in your dream represents alertness, virility, masculine sexuality and assertiveness. If the two bucks are fighting, then it signifies male aggression. You are trying to dominate or take control over some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a dollar.
To see or carry a bucket in your dream indicates an improvement in your current situation. If the bucket is filled, then it signifies abundance, love and wealth. If the bucket is empty, then it signifies that you will overcome some loss or conflict.
To dream that you are fastening a buckle represents your acceptance of certain responsibilities. The dream may also be a pun to on “buckling” under the pressure. A fancy or expensive looking buckle symbolizes status and honor.
To see a flower bud in your dream symbolizes great potential and the beginning of new experiences or relationships. A project that you have been working on may be finally taking off. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for a “buddy”.
To see Buddha in your dream symbolizes wisdom, insight, compassion, and inner spirituality. You need to find calmness and peace within your own Self.
To dream that you are making a budget, indicates that you need to focus on your financial situation. You are experiencing concerns over money matters. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for your emotions and thus means that you need to spread your love more evenly.
To see a buffalo in your dream symbolizes survival, strength, and power. The dream may also warn that you are deviating from your life path and goals. Alternatively, the dream represents your heritage and your roots. In particular, if you see a white buffalo in your dream, then it means that your desires or wishes will be fulfilled.
To see an injured or killed buffalo forewarns that you need to carefully think through any new ventures and projects that you are undertaking.
To see a herd of buffalo in your dream signifies tranquility and plentitude.
To eat too much food at a buffet in your dream indicates that some relationship is consuming your energies. Alternatively, it suggests that you are trying to work through some guilt.
To see a bug in your dream suggests that you are worried about something. It is symbolic of your anxieties and/or fears. What is bugging you? Consider also the popular phrase “bitten by the bug” to imply your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby. Alternatively, the bug may be representative of your sexual thoughts.
To dream that there are endless amount of bugs coming out of your hair suggests that something is weighing on your mind that you are confused about. Perhaps you are making a big deal out of minor matter. Alternatively, the dream refers to concerns over your public image.
Dreaming that there are bugs coming out of your ear suggests that you have overheard something that you shouldn’t have. Alternatively, bugs in your ear represent rumors.
Dreaming that there are bugs under your skin implies that you are feeling extremely uncomfortable about a certain situation. Something is making your skin crawl.
To see or hear a bugle in your dream represents some sort of warning. It signals an end to something and the beginning of another. Alternately, hearing a bugle symbolizes remembrance, mourning and solemnity.
Bugs Bunny
To see Bugs Bunny in your dream represents your fast thinking and quick wittedness. You will overcome your obstacles. The dream may be a way of asking you “What’s up, doc?”
To see a building in your dream represents the self and the body. How high you are in the building indicates a rising level of understanding, awareness or success. If you are in the lower levels of the building, then it refers to more primal attitudes and/or sexuality.
To see a building in ruins or damaged indicates that your approach toward a situation or relationship is all wrong. You need to change. Your own self-image may have suffered and taken some blow.
To dream that a building collapses indicates that you are losing sight of your ambitions and goals. Your pursuit for material gains is failing.
To dream that you or someone fall off a building suggests that you are descending into the realm of subconscious. You are learning about and acknowledging aspects of your subconscious. Alternatively, it symbolizes your fear of not being able to complete or succeeding in a task.
To dream that you are scaling or climbing a building indicates that you are getting carried away by your ambitions.
To see a plant bulb in your dream represents your spiritual, physical, and intellectual potential. It refers to the growth of some project, relationship, or situation. Alternatively, it symbolizes your genetic heritage, family tradition or fertility.
To dream that you have bulimia represents your lack of self-acceptance, self-esteem and your quest for perfection. You feel alone and cut off from others. Learn to love yourself and accept who you are instead of punishing yourself. The dream symbolizes your quest for perfection.
To see a bull in your dream symbolizes stubbornness, strong will, strength, and power. The dream may be telling you that it is time to take a stand and be more assertive. Alternatively, the bull indicates a rich, prosperous, and abundant life. Consider also the metaphor, “being bull-headed”. You need to learn to compromise in a situation. Or it could be a pun on something that is “bull”, as in crap or worthless.
Bulls are also symbolic of repressed sexual energies, fertility and virility. To see an untamed raging bull represents that your passions may be out of control. The bull may also represent a person in your life who is born under the Taurus sign.
To dream that you are bathing in bull’s blood represents immortality and eternal life.
To dream that you are being chased by a black bull implies that you are refusing to acknowledge your own stubbornness.
Bull’s Eye
To see a bull’s eye in your dream represents your search for perfection. It may also mean that you will achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
To see a bulldog in your dream signifies that some protective force is helping you move forward in life.
To see a bulldozer in your dream suggests that you are feeling pushed away from what you want. Or that you are being diverted away from the path toward your goals. You may be feeling helpless and bullied. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to organize and clear away the clutter in your life.
Bulletin Board
To see a bulletin board in your dream points to a message that you need to pay attention to from your subconscious. Alternatively, a bulletin board is representative of your achievements.
To see a bullet or bullets in your dream indicate anger and aggression directed at you or someone else. You need to be cautious on what you say and do. Your actions and words may easily be misinterpreted. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you need to “bite the bullet” and accept some difficult situation.
To dream of being hit by a bullet suggests that you need to persevere and endure the difficult times.
Bulletproof Vest
To wear a bulletproof vest in your dream suggests that you are a overprotecting yourself from emotional hurt. You don’t want to get hurt from a personal relationship again.
To dream that you are watching a bullfight symbolizes the struggle between your animalistic desire and your spiritual side.
To dream that two bulls are fighting represent an imbalance in some area of your life.
To dream that you are a bully indicates your tendency to dominate a conversation relationship or situation. You have difficulties in recognizing your weaknesses and asking for help when you need it.
To see a bully or be bullied in your dream signifies repressed rage. The bully may be seen as your shadow Self which you have rejected.
To dream that you are a bum indicates that you are feeling like failure or an outcast. You are losing control of a situation in your life.
To see a bum in your dream signifies laziness. You need to take more initiative.
To see a bumblebee in your dream is symbolic of distress and coming problems.
To dream that your bumper has been damaged symbolizes the small “bumps” that you will encounter in life. Things will not always go as smooth as you expect.
Bumper Car
To dream that you are riding in a bumper car represents your resilience. You are able to bounce back from adversity. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are going nowhere with your life.
Bumper Sticker
To see a bumper sticker in your dream represents a message that you are trying to convey to the world. You want your opinion to be heard. Consider the exact message on the bumper sticker.
Bungee Jumping
To dream that you are bungee jumping represents your ability to bounce back from adversities and setbacks in your life. The important thing to remember is that you took the initial risk.
Bunk Beds
To see bunk beds in your dream represent childhood and innocence. Alternatively, it may refer to diverging and conflicting views of sexuality. You may have difficulties expressing your needs and desires.
To dream that you are inside a bunker indicates that you are not confronting your anger issues. Instead you are on guard about your feelings and are keeping them from coming to the surface. You are afraid of getting hurt.
To see a bunny in your dream represents the innocence and carefreeness of being a child. It also symbolic of the Easter holiday.
Dreaming of a bunny that is running away from you points to your lack of commitment. You are flighty and jump from situation to situation.