What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Bury, Bus, Business …..
Bunsen Burner
To see or use a Bunsen burner in your dream suggests that you need to be more expressive and focus your energies on more fruitful or worthwhile endeavors. The dream may also be symbolic of a developing awareness, truth or enlightenment.
To see a buoy in your dream represents your ability to hold your head up even amidst your emotional distress. It may also indicate a renewed state of mind and emotional calm. Alternatively, it suggests that some of your repressed thoughts or subconscious material has come to the surface and is making itself known.
To dream that you are dealing with bureaucracy signifies a lack of emotions and personal contact in some aspect of your life. Perhaps your relationship has gotten too routine or that you are doing things by rote.
To see or dream that you are a burglar indicates that your energy is being sucked away from you. You are feeling drained. It may also mean that your fears, guilt, and anxieties are making it hard for you to say no to others.
To dream that you have been burglarized indicates that you are feeling violated or that personal space has been invaded. You feel helpless in some situation or relationship. This could be due to a major change in your life. Give yourself some time to adjust to your new environment. The dream may also occur as a result of being burglarized in real life and a symptom of post traumatic stress.
Burj Khalifia
To see the Burj Khalifia in your dream symbolizes the ultimate success. You are not settling for anything less than the best and always aim as high as you can. The dream also represents your drive and motivation. Alternatively, dreaming of the Burj Khalifia signifies a spiritual journey.
To see a burial in your dream indicates that you have gotten rid of your bad habits and have freed yourself from a negative situation. You are finally letting go of something.
To dream that you are burying a living person signifies emotional turmoil. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being buried by problems and stresses of your waking life.
To dream that you are being buried alive suggests that you are being undermined or stifled in some way. You are feeling trapped or helpless.
To see or wear burlap in your dream refers to your tough persona. You are not afraid of letting your opinion and feelings be known.
To see something burning in your dream indicates that you are experiencing some intense emotions and/or passionate sexual feelings. There is some situation or issue that you can no longer avoid and ignore. Alternatively, it may suggest that you need to take time off for yourself and relax. Perhaps you are you feeling “burned out” or “burned up”.
To dream that you or someone is being burned alive suggests that you are being consumed by your own ambition.
To dream that you burp indicates that your subconscious is informing you that you are going through some changes. You are seeing things differently as you grow older and gain more experience.
To hear a burp in your dream signifies a breakthrough in your personal struggles. You have overcame barriers and resistance and are no longer being held back.
To dream that you are wearing a burqa suggests that are feeling sexually repressed. You feel that you are not able to fully express yourself and be who you are.
To see someone wearing a burqa indicates that something is being kept away from you. You are in the dark about some issue or matter.
To see or dream that a burr is clinging to you symbolize a minor irritation or annoyance that you are choosing to overlook.
To dream that an animal is covered in burrs implies that someone in your life is afraid of showing their vulnerable side.
To see or eat a burrito in your dream symbolizes your efficiency in some matter.
To dream that something bursts indicates that you are under a lot of pressure and stress.
To dream that you bury something suggests that you are hiding your true feelings. Or you are trying to cover up some situation or act. In particular, if you are burying a body, then it suggests that you are trying to hide something that you find repulsive or that others may find unappealing.
To dream that you are burying a living person signifies emotional turmoil. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being buried by problems and stresses of your waking life.
To dream that you are being buried alive suggests that you are being undermined or stifled in some way. You are feeling trapped or helpless.
Dreaming that you are burying the bones of someone who is living means that there are secrets that this person knows about and you are trying to keep those secrets from coming out.
To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan. If you get on the wrong bus, then the dream indicates your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you.
To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking.
If you see a bus pass by in your dream, then it implies that you are going against the crowd on some idea or decision. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you feel excluded or left behind.
Dreaming that you are driving a bus means that you are a group leader and a trend setter. If you are driving a stolen bus in your dream, then it means that you are taking drastic measures to get control of your destiny. You are refusing to go along with the system.
To dream that you are in a bus accident suggests that it is time for you to move away from a group setting and venture out on your own. You need to be more independent. Dreaming that a bus crashes into or through a building implies that your opinions and views are clashing with the majority.
To dream that you are paying a bus fare refers to the price you are paying in order to please others.
To dream that a bus is driven into water refers to an emotional journey that involves several people.
Bus Driver
To see a bus driver in your dream indicates leadership in some group idea or plan. It is symbolic of collective power. Alternatively, it suggests that you are going around in circles and showing little progress.
To dream that you are a bus driver suggests that you are moving forward quickly. You need to show more patience and less force. In particular, if you are a school bus driver, then it signifies that through knowledge and learning you will advance rapidly in life. Your dream may be connected with a new learning situation.
Bus Station
To dream that you are at the bus station suggests that you have reached some new level or stage in your emotional or physical life.
To dream that you failed to get to the bus station indicates that you are feeling helpless and trapped by some situation. You feel that you are being held back, either physically or mentally. Alternatively, the dream may also suggest that you are feeling disconnected in some aspect of your life – work, relationship or home life.
Bus Stop
To dream that you are at a bus stop indicates that there is a decision that you need to make. You need to decide what you want to do with your future.
To see a bush in your dream symbolizes feminine emotions and desires. It may also be a reference to the female genitalia.
To dream that you are hiding behind a bush suggests that you are keeping something a secret and are not being completely open. A literal interpretation indicates that you are seeking protection.
To see a flowering bush represent development and personal growth.
To dream about a business deal signifies issues and problems that you are dealing with in your waking life. Pay attention to how the business deal is going and your demeanor during the deal. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for aspects of your own personality that you need to deal with. The dream may also be a pun on the “busy-ness” of your life. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to “get down to business” or that you need to put “business before pleasure.”
Business Card
To dream that you are handing out your business card indicates that you need to make more connections and expand your network. in order to be successful, you need to reach out.
Business Trip
To dream that you are on a business trip suggests that you having a difficult time trying to relax. You may be feeling overwhelmed.
To see or dream that you are a businessperson represents the rational and organized aspect of yourself.
To see a butcher in your dream represents your raw emotions or immoral behaviors. You may be testing the limits of your physical strength. The dream may be a metaphor that you are “butchering” or ruining some project or situation.
To dream that you are a butcher signifies pent up anger and hostility.
To see a butler in your dream suggests that you are depending too much on others for their help. You need to be more independent and tend to your own needs. Alternatively, the dream may symbolize your desire for wealth or material possessions.
To dream that you are a butler represents your feelings of subservience. Perhaps you need to take on a more submissive role.
To see or taste butter in your dream suggests that you are looking to be gratified in some area of your life. You need to indulge yourself in life’s pleasure. The dream may be a metaphor that you need to “butter” up to someone, in order to ease the situation.
To dream that you are churning butter represents hard work and difficult task.
To dream that you are melting butter or that the butter has melted implies that you need to be soften your attitude and demeanor toward others.
Butter Knife
To see or use a butter knife in your dream signifies easiness and simplicity. Consider the phrase “like a knife through butter.”
To dream that you are using a butter knife to cut or slice something indicates that you are ineffectual in getting a task done. You are lacking some important knowledge or insight.
To see buttercups in your dream refer to your childhood and past memories. The dream may be trying to take you back to a time where things were simpler and the pace was slower. Alternatively, buttercups signify humility.
To see a butterfly in your dream signifies longevity, creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be experiencing a new way of thinking. Or you are undergoing some sort of transformation. Alternatively, a butterfly refers to your need to settle down. You are lacking focus in your life. You tend to be flighty and jump from one thing to another. Also consider the term “social butterfly” to describe someone who is popular and outgoing. Perhaps you need to be more outgoing.
To see two butterflies in your dream represent romance and a long and happy marriage. If you see several butterflies in your dream, then it symbolizes acceptance, growth, inspiration, and freeness.
To catch or kill a butterfly suggests that you are being too superficial. Alternatively, the dream refers to your possessive nature. To see a dead butterfly in your dream refers to your unrealized goals.
To dream that you are mounting a butterfly on frame symbolizes sexual oppression.
To see your buttocks in your dream represent your instincts and urges. The dream also indicates your feelings of insecurity and reveals your struggles with some situation.
To dream that your buttocks are misshaped suggest undeveloped or wounded aspects of your psyche.
To dream that someone is smelling or kissing your butt indicates that someone in your life is not being genuine about her or his intentions.
To see a button in your dream indicates wealth and security. Alternatively, the dream may also be a metaphor for being too “buttoned up” or refrained. You need to let loose and be yourself.
To dream that you are unbuttoning your clothes denotes that you are opening yourself to others, either on a mental, emotional, or sexual level.
To lose a button in your dream signifies your tarnished self-image. You are feeling insecure and unconfident about yourself.
To dream that you or someone is buying something represents your acceptance of an idea, condition, or situation. Consider what item you are buying for additional analysis. Alternatively, the dream means that you are lacking something in your life and are looking for some form of fulfillment.
To buy a car in your dream refers to your commitment to some important life decision you have made.
To hear a buzzer in your dream indicates that you are experiencing a conflict in a relationship or situation. You are questioning the decisions you have made. Perhaps you feel you made the wrong choice and are now expressing regret. Alternatively, there is something in your dream that needs your immediate attention.
To see a buzzard in your dream symbolizes death and decay. It may represent an ugly aspect of yourself.