What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Cage, Cactus, Cake …..
To see the letter “C” in your dream symbolizes being average. It may also be a pun on “seeing”. The dream is drawing your attention to something that you need to see or take notice. Pay attention! Alternatively, it may indicate the name or initial of a person.
To dream that you are hailing a cab suggests that you need to ask for help in order to be able to move forward in some waking situation.
To dream that you are in a cab indicates that you are being taken for a ride. Someone is taking advantage of you.
To see or dream that you are in a cabana signifies your need for an escape or vacation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by a waking problem and need some downtime.
To watch a cabaret in your dream indicates your need to acknowledge your sensual side.
To see or eat cabbage in your dream suggests that you should not waste time with petty things in your life. You live and thrive on life’s challenges. Alternatively, the dream refers to your unwise choices or decisions. You need to rethink some of your decisions.
To see or dream that you are in a wood cabin indicates that you will succeed via your own means. It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life.
To dream that you are in a ship cabin indicates that are seeking some refuge from your emotions.
To see a cabinet in your dream symbolizes the female body and/or the womb. Alternatively, you may be hiding some family or personal secret. Consider the contents and condition of the cabinet for more clues.
To dream that someone rearranged your cabinets suggests that somebody is overstepping your boundaries.
To see a cable in your dream represents your stamina and durability. If the cable is frayed or broken, then it signifies a lack of strength.
To dream of cable television signifies your openness and how you communicate with others.
Cable Car
To see or ride in a cable car in your dream signifies the compromises that you make in life. Sometimes you have to go along with the masses in order to maintain the peace. Alternatively, the dream represents life’s journey. You are headed in the right direction.
To see or be in a caboose implies that you are last in line for something. You are feeling shortchanged. Alternatively, dreaming of a caboose serves as a reminder that you will eventually get to where you need. It is not always about being first or finishing first.
To hear the sound of cackling in your dream signifies illness and loss.
To see a cactus in your dream suggests that you are feeling invaded, that your space is being crowded into and that you are being suffocated. The prickly spines of the cactus represent the boundary you are trying to establish between your personal and private. Or you feel the need to defend yourself in some way. Alternatively, the dream implies that you have found yourself in a sticky situation. Perhaps you need to adapt to your existing circumstances instead of trying to change them.
To dream that you are dissecting a cadaver indicates that you are ready to reveal or expose an aspect of yourself that you have been hiding.
To see a cadaver in your dream represents a part of yourself that has died. Alternatively, dreaming of a cadaver means that you tend to give everything you have in a situation or relationship.
To see a Cadillac in your dream suggests that you are driven to succeed. Your ambition will take you far in life.
To see a caduceus in your dream symbolizes health concerns. The dream may be telling you that you need to take better care of yourself.
Caesarian Section
To dream that you are having a caesarian section implies that you need help in order to get your idea or project off the ground. You can not do it by yourself. A more direct interpretation of this dream may represent your anxieties of having a C-section in real life.
To dream that you are at a cafe represents your social life. The dream is telling you that it is time to call up old friends and catch up with what they are all up to.
To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues “eating” you up inside.
To dream that you are in a cage indicates that you are experiencing inhibitions and powerlessness in some areas of your life. You are feeling restricted, confined and restrained in a current relationship or business deal. Somebody may be keeping a short leash on you, where you are lacking the freedom to act independently.
To dream that you are putting a wild animal into a cage signifies that you will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. It is also symbolic of your ability to control you animalistic rages and anger.
To see a bird in a cage suggests that you are feeling limited in your expression and a sudden lost of freedom. You may be experiencing frustrations and an inhibited spirituality. The dream may also imply that you are feeling like a “jail bird”.
Cage Fighting
To dream that you are cage fighting indicates that you are feeling restricted or confined in a current relationship. An aspect of yourself is fighting to be expressed or let out.
To watch a cage fight represents conflicting ideas or beliefs.
To see a cake in your dream indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself. Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. More positively, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a “piece of cake” or some situation that is easy.
To see a partially eaten cake in your dream signifies missed and lost opportunities.
To dream that you are buying a cake suggests that you have accepted the rewards and recognition you are getting for our work. You are learning to be comfortable in the spotlight.
To dream that you are eating calamari indicates that you are feeling battered or beaten. However, you are tough. Hang in there!
To see a calculator in your dream suggests that you need to thoroughly think through some problem and carefully evaluate your choices. You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. The symbol may also be a metaphor for someone who is “calculating”, cunning and scheming.
To see a calendar in your dream represents the passing of time and past events. The dream may also be a reminder of a special event, appointment or important date in your waking life.
To see a calf in your dream symbolizes immaturity and inexperience. You need to develop certain qualities.
Known as the Golden State, to dream of California, refers to your desire for instant wealth. It may also suggests that you are looking for fame. If you live in California, then the dream may just be a reflection of your reality.
To see or use a caliper in your dream reflects your concerns about not measuring up to the standards or expectations of others. Alternatively, dreaming of a caliper means that you need to be careful in making a decision or judgment.
Calla Lily
To see calla lilies in your dream symbolize new beginnings, rebirth and longevity. In particular, a white calla lily represents purity, simplicity or elegance. Alternatively, the calla lily refers to a commitment.
Calling Card
To see or use a calling card in your dream indicates that there is someone that you need to reach out to. If the calling card has the name of someone you know on it, then it means that their presence is with your spiritually, even though they may not be with you physically. Something in your waking life is reminding you of this person.
To dream that you have calluses symbolize hard work. You have be laboring over a difficult task or situation.
To dream that you are calm denotes a fulfilling life. You find contentment and satisfaction in what you have.
To dream that someone is trying to calm you down suggests that you will experience many setbacks, especially if you continue to let your emotions run out of control.
To see calomel in your dream indicates a rivalry.
To dream that you are taking calomel signifies that you are being manipulated and taken advantage of. It is time to open your eyes and not allow yourself to be stepped on.
To see your calves in your dream symbolize movement and your ability to jump from situation to situation. In particular, if you are admiring your own calves, then it denotes a needy or codependent relationship.
To see a camel in your dream denotes that you need to be more conservative; you are carrying too many responsibilities, burdens and problems on your shoulders. Consider the common phrase, “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. Learn to forgive and forget. Alternatively, the camel represents your stamina.
To dream that you are petting a camel indicates that you are ready to let go of some of the burdens, responsibilities or emotional baggage that you are carrying around.
To see or wear a cameo in your dream represents an aspect of yourself that you are trying to express. Perhaps you are showing your delicate and feminize side. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a “cameo” appearance that you are making at some social gathering.