
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Deer, Demons, Defend …..


To dream that you are in a debate symbolizes some inner turmoil or conflict that you are experiencing. It also means that you will find closure to those unresolved issues.


To dream that you are in debt signifies imbalance, struggle, worry and trouble in some personal situation or business matter. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are putting too much demands of others.

Debutante Ball

To attend a debutante ball in your dream represents a celebration of life. You are welcoming new experiences, changes and challenges.

To dream that a debutante ball is held in your honor indicates that you are undergoing a transitional phase in your life. It is a new beginning for you.


To see something decay in your dream signifies the degradation of a situation or circumstance. It may also represent the death of an old situation before the rebirth into a new stage.


To dream of the month of December signifies togetherness, friendships, and happy reunions. Consider your own personal associations with this month. Is it someone’s birthday? Does it invoke the holiday spirit? Is the dream telling you to be more giving? Does December signify a closure to something?


To dream that you are deceiving someone suggests that you are lying to yourself that everything is okay when in reality it is not. You are trying to cover up some mistake or some lie. The deceit is manifesting itself into your dream and eating away at your conscious.


To dream that you are out on the deck represents your connection with your Self and with nature. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and appreciate the environment. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are all “decked out” for some special occasion. You are showing off.


To dream that you are decorating suggests that you are trying to mask or cover up something. You may be putting up a front instead of addressing the core matter at hand.


To dream that you are using a decoy indicates your tendency to mislead people. Your conscious may be appearing in your dream to try and steer you back in the right direction.

To dream that you are a decoy represents self denial or self deception. You are trying to tell yourself to believe one thing, but really feel differently.


To dream that you a signing a deed suggests that you are making some unwise choices.


To dream of something deep or a place of great depth represents things that you are avoiding or feelings that you are suppressing. Alternatively, the dream implies that there is more to something or someone that what you see on the surface.


To see a deer in your dream symbolizes grace, compassion, gentleness, meekness and natural beauty. The deer has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. It also represents independence, alertness, and virility. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is “dear” to you. Alternatively, the dream represents vulnerability and naiveté. As a result, others may take advantage of you and your gullibility.

If the deer is black, then it means that you are not acknowledging or are rejecting the feminine qualities in you. You may not be in tune with your feminine side.

To dream that you hunt or kill a dear suggests that you are trying to suppress those feminine qualities.

Dreaming that you are bottle feeding a baby deer highlights your nurturing attribute. A baby animal is often a symbol of your own child.


To dream that you have been defeated indicates that you are headed in the wrong direction. You need to reevaluate the situation and rethink what is really best for you. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to learn from your experiences, even the negative ones.


To dream that you are defecating on someone indicates your anger and hostility toward that person.

To dream that you are being defecated on represents feelings of guilt and unworthiness. You may be suffering from low self-esteem.

Dreaming that someone defecated on your bed suggests that you are ashamed about some past secret coming back to haunt you. If a member of your family comes in contact wit the feces, then it points to some unfinished business that is affecting your family.


To dream that you are defending yourself suggests an underlying hurt. It may parallel a waking life situation where you are being put on the defensive.

To dream that you are defending someone indicates that you are projecting your beliefs and feelings onto someone else. By defending this person, you are deflecting or undermining your own beliefs. Perhaps you are not ready to confront your feelings.

Dreaming that someone is defending you or standing up for you symbolizes your sense of self-worth.


To dream that someone is using a defibrillator on you implies that you need to be reenergized. You need to literally get a jumpstart on your goals.


To dream that a tire, ball or balloon is deflated signifies a lack of self esteem or self-worth. According to Freud, deflation symbolizes impotence.


To dream that you or someone is deformed represents undeveloped aspects of yourself that you may have ignored. You refusal to acknowledge these characteristics may be affecting your performance and creative flow.


To dream that you are defriending someone suggests that your friendships are drifting apart. You are feeling socially disconnected or withdrawn. Alternatively, the dream indicates aspects of your own self that you are rejecting or refusing to acknowledge.

To dream that you have been defriended indicates that you are feeling betrayed.

Deja Vu

To dream of Déjà Vu indicates some unresolved issue which you are not addressing or are refusing to acknowledge. It may also represent a message or word of advice that you need to heed.


To experience a delay in your dream suggests that obstacles toward your goals are inevitable. Don’t let these setbacks discourage you.


To dream that you are at a deli indicates that you are seeking for emotional nourishment outside of your social support system. You want to know the options that are available to you. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to watch your weight.


To dream that you are experiencing delight signifies a favorable and positive turn of events. Pleasant times are ahead for you.


To see a delinquent in your dream indicates that you are wasting away some aspect of your life. You are selling yourself short and underestimating your own potential.

Dreaming that you are delinquent with your bills suggests that your mind is preoccupied with financial and money matters. You may be feeling overwhelmed with life’s demands.


To dream about deliverance refers to your need to feel protected. You may be feeling a little vulnerable and are looking strength. The dream may also indicate that you are being swayed by some negative influences in your life.


To dream that you are expecting a delivery or have a delivery signifies disappointments. Alternatively, the dream is telling you to be grateful and appreciative with what you have. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for delivery of a baby. Please also see Birth.

To deliver something in your dream indicates that you need to give more in some relationship or situation. Consider the significance of what you are delivering for meaning as to what you need to give more of.


To see a river delta in your dream represents an end to something in your waking life. This may relate to some personal or spiritual journey. Alternatively, the dream may share the same symbolism as a triangle.


To dream that you or someone has dementia implies that there is a waking situation that is causing you to “lose your mind.” Perhaps someone or some situation is literally driving you crazy. Alternatively, the dream may be reflective of someone in your waking life who is suffering from dementia.


To see Demeter in your dream represents your maternal instinct and your desire to provide for and support your dependents.


To dream of a demolition suggests that you are undergoing major changes in your life. You may feel out of control. Alternatively, to watch a demolition in your dream indicates a final end to some situation or relationship.


To see demons in your dream indicates that you may be experiencing or inflicting fear, emotional distress or physical abuse in your waking life. Demons are also symbolic of ignorance, negative habits, and of your shadow self. Perhaps you are being overindulgent and letting some negativity give way to your better judgment. Alternatively, the demons may represent a past secret that is still haunting you.

To dream that you are possessed by demons indicates helplessness.


To dream that you are part of a demonstration indicates that you need to speak up for yourself and for your rights. Pay attention to the details of your dream as you may be ignoring or overlooking some important issue in your life.


To dream that you are getting a demotion at work indicates a lack of self-esteem and confidence. You are fixated on the negative aspects of your life. On the other hand, your dream demotion may point to your arrogance and that you need to tone it down. Alternatively, being demoted means that you are not giving an important task your full attention.


To dream that you are in the den signifies work, industry, and efficiency.


To dream that you are in denial about something reflects your waking state of mind. You are refusing to see or acknowledge some truth.

To dream that you are being denied something suggests that you are not measuring up to the expectation of others. Alternatively, it signifies overindulgence. Consider what you are being denied for additional significance.


To see or wear denim in your dream signifies ruggedness and durability. The dream may be analogous to your ability to withstand or endure a difficult period in your life. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes your easygoing and laid back attitude.


To see a dent in your dream signifies self-doubt in your thinking. You are second guessing your decisions. It also represents a blemish in your personality.

Dental Floss

To floss in your dream suggests that you are trying to get to the root of some matter. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are showing off and flaunting your material things. If your gums become bloody as a result of flossing, then it represents your fears and the negative consequences of your actions.


To dream that you are at the dentist represents your concerns about your appearance. Alternatively, it suggests that you are having some doubt over the sincerity and honor of some person in your life. You are experiencing some momentary anxiety or pain, but you will be a better and stronger person for it in the long run.


To dream that you are wearing dentures indicate that you are not being completely truthful in some waking matter.

To see or dream that others are wearing dentures suggests that someone in your life is not who they say they are. They are being deceitful.


To see or put on deodorant in your dream represents your inner strength and your ability to rid yourself of harmful and destructive behaviors.


To dream that you are departing somewhere suggests that you are leaving a past life or an old relationship behind. You are looking for a change or for something new. Alternatively, the dream may also represent your desire to escape from the daily demands of your life.

Department Store

To dream that you are in a department store suggests that you are trying to fulfill your needs and desires. Consider the significance of what you are shopping for and how you may be lacking that item in your life.


To dream that you are being deported indicates that you are feeling unwanted or unwelcome in some new surrounding. You are feeling rejected and unwanted.

To dream that someone is deported signifies an aspect of your own self that is feeling rejected.


To feel depressed in your dream refers to your inability to make connections. You are unable to see the causes of your problems and consequences of your decisions. People who are depressed in their waking life often have dreams about being depressed. Pay attention to what is depressing you in your dream and see how it relates to your waking life.


To dream that a train has derailed suggests that you are doing something against your own conscious.


To see derricks in your dream symbolize the obstacles that you need to overcome in order to succeed. The dream may also be a pun on someone who is named “Derek” in your waking life.


To dream that you are walking through a desert signifies loss and misfortune. You may be suffering from an attack on your reputation. Deserts are also symbolic of barrenness, loneliness and feelings of isolation and hopelessness. The desert landscape may also be a metaphor for feeling deserted and left behind.


To see or sit at your desk in your dream suggests that you are evaluating and weighing your problems. It is indicative of self-exploration and discovery. If you are at someone else’s desk, then it symbolizes a lack of confidence in your own abilities.

To dream that your desk is cluttered indicates that you need to prioritize and reorganize aspects of your life. If the desk is cleaned out, then it suggests that you need to find more productive ways to spend your time. Pick up a new hobby.


To dream that you are in despair represents the many hardships and cruelties that you will experience in the waking world. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on “the spare”. Perhaps the dream is hinting at some back up.

To dream that others are in despair denotes that someone around you will be in need of your help.


To see or eat a tasty dessert in your dream represents indulgence, celebration, reward, or temptation. You are enjoying the good things in life.


To dream about mass destruction suggests that there is some chaos occurring in your life. Things may not be going the way you want it to. Perhaps the choices you are making are self-destructive.