What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Grass, Grave, Groomsman …..
To see grape vines in your dream symbolize opulence, wealth, and decadence. It also indicates fortitude and your ability to offer happiness to others.
To see or eat grapes in your dream represent wealth and prosperity. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. Alternatively, grapes refer to immortality and sacrifices.
To dream that you are picking and gathering grapes signify profit and the realization of your desires.
Grappling Hook
To see or use a grappling hook in your dream refers to something that is just beyond your grasp. Sometimes you need the support of those around you to help you achieve your goals. Alternatively, a grappling hook indicates that you are overextending yourself or overstepping your boundaries.
To see green grass in your dream suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. The dream is also symbolic of natural protection. Also consider the phrase “the grass is always greener on the other side.” Do you always compare yourself with others and look at what other people have?
To dream that you are planting grass indicates that your hard work and efforts will pay off in the end.
Dreaming that there is grass in your mouth or that you are eating grass represents a situation that you have a difficult time accepting or an emotion that you don’t want to acknowledge.
To see a grasshopper in your dream symbolizes freedom, independence or spiritual enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates your inability to settle down or commit to a decision.
To see or dream that you are on a grassland symbolizes openness and concealment at the same time. You need to learn to balance when to reveal information about yourself and when to hold back.
To see or use a grater in your dream implies that you need to process things in smaller sizes so that you do not get overwhelmed. Alternatively, the dream is a pun on “great” or “greater”. The dream may be telling you that big things are in store for you.
To dream that you are at a grave indicates that you need to delve into your own subconscious in search of an issue that you thought had been put to rest. You need to stand up for yourself for no one else can do it for you. Alternatively, it represents something is about to be completed in your life. You are leaving behind the old and making a new start. The dream may also be a pun on feeling grave or concerns about a serious or sad situation.
To dream that you are digging a grave denotes some nervousness and uneasiness over some undertaking.
To dream that your dead uncle calls to tell you that he is digging graves indicates that your subconscious is telling you about some hidden truth or family secret that needs to be uncovered.
To see gravel in your dream signifies practicality.
To dream that you are at a graveyard represents the discarded aspects of yourself. You may be fearing the unknown. Alternatively, the graveyard indicates a loss or a period of mourning.
To feel gravity in your dream represents the weight and pressure you feel on you. You are feeling overwhelmed. Problems, work or stress is literally weighing you down.
To dream that you feel no gravity suggests that you are able to let go of your problems and rise above the situation. You are experiencing new found freedom. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle.
To dream that you are eating gravy symbolizes your ability to enjoy the simpler things in life. Alternatively, the dream means that you are taking advantage of some situation.
To dream that you are covered in grease suggests that you need to get your life straighten out and running smoothly again. You may find a situation where you have lost the advantage.
Great Dane
To see a Great Dane in your dream refers to your strong will, good nature and easy going attitude. You need to learn to be an independent thinker and not let others influence you too much.
Great Wall of China
To see or dream that you are at the Great Wall of China refers to your ability to shut some people out, while letting others through. You are careful with who you let into your life.
To dream that you are greedy suggests that you are making too many demands in your walking life. You are asking for too much of others.
To dream that you read Greek signifies discussion and acceptance of your ideas. Consider the phrase “it’s all Greek to me” to indicate your lack of understanding in some area of your life.
Green Screen
To dream that you are in front of a green screen represents your desire to be part of something, but are not actively taking any steps to getting where you want to be or where you want to go in life.
If you see a green screen in your dream, then it implies that what you sometimes see is not reality.
To see or dream that you are in a greenhouse represents transformation. You are experiencing some changes in your life brought about mainly as a result of your own doing. It also suggests that you may be too overly controlling. You want things done your way, but in the process you may be isolating yourself.
Greeting Card
To see a greeting card in your dream suggests that surprises are in store ahead. If you are giving or receiving a card, then it indicates a need for you to make contact with the sender or recipient of the card.
To see gremlins in your dream symbolize mischief and trouble. There is a problem that you may not be fully aware of, but it is nagging at your subconscious.
To see a grenade in your dream suggests that your suppressed emotions are about to explode. It also points to some pent up anger and violence.
To see a greyhound in your dream represents your quiet, calm and reserved side. Greyhounds are also often synonymous with grace, speed and agility. Perhaps you need to adopt some of these qualities into some waking situation.
To see a grid in your dream indicates that you are too rigid in your thinking. You want things to be perfectly planned out.
To see a griffon in your dream symbolizes the positive aspects of change. You possess the physical power and stability of the lion and the vision, spirit and alertness of the eagle. It also represents intellect, physical strength, and the sun.
To see a grill in your dream represents togetherness, comfort, and relaxation. It also invokes summertime. Perhaps the dream is telling you to spend more time with your family. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on “being grilled” or interrogated. Do you feel that you are being questioned in some area of your life?
Grim Reaper
To see the grim reaper in your dream signifies the negative, rejected aspects of your personality. It represents aspects of yourself that you have repressed. Alternatively, it symbolizes death. The dream may parallel an end to some situation, habit, or relationship in your waking life.
To dream that your friend has turned into the grim reaper implies that your relationship with them is dead. Your friend has changed into someone that you literally do not recognize anymore. Something has changed in the relationship.
To see the Grinch in your dream suggests that you are no longer centered. You are going along a crooked path. You need to get down to the core of some matter. Alternatively, the Grinch indicates that you need to treat yourself to something special instead of constantly catering to the needs of others.
To dream that you are grinding something represents repetition. Your life is too much of a routine. The dream may thus be a metaphor for the “daily grind”. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have “an axe to grind” with someone. Are you harboring any feelings of resentment?
To dream that you are turning a grindstone symbolizes vitality and well-directed energy which will lead to prosperity.
To dream that you are sharpening tools on a grindstone signifies that your friends will always be there to lend a helping hand.
To dream that you are gripping something implies control, hope, determination, possession or endurance. Consider the significance and symbolism of the object that you are gripping. If your grip is slipping, then it means that it is time to let go, whether it be a relationship, goal or situation. You may be holding on to false hope.
To dream of a gritty texture symbolizes hesitance or tentativeness about a decision, situation or relationship. Alternatively, the gritty texture may refer to your perseverance and courage.
To hear groans in your dream suggest that you need to act quickly or else others will take advantage of the situation. You need to effectively map out your action. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you or someone is in pain, either emotionally or physically.
To shop for groceries in your dream represents some emotional of physical need that you are currently lacking in your life. You may be in need of nurturance and some fulfillment. Consider the specific items that you are shopping for.
To dream that you are a groom represents your commitment to a relationship or situation. Alternatively, it suggests that your strong assertive side is getting ready to merge with your intuitive nurturing side.
If you are female and see a groom in your dream then it represents your desire to be in a committed relationship or to be married. Maybe you are ready to enter into a partnership.
To dream that you are a groomsman refers to your self-confidence. You are the “best” person for the job. Alternatively, the dream implies that you are moving toward becoming a better person.
If you are a woman and dream that you are a groomsman indicates that you are breaking down gender roles. Sometimes the best man for the job is not necessarily a man.
To dream that you are groping someone indicates your desires to feel a connection with that person or with some aspect of yourself. If you are groping something, then consider what that something represents and how you need to be more in tune with its characteristics. Perhaps you need to evaluate your surroundings more carefully before making some decision.
To dream that you are being groped suggests that boundaries are being crossed. Consider where you are being groped.