What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Hat, Haunted, Head …..
To see a harpy in your dream symbolizes the devouring female. It also suggests that you are in the middle of some emotional turmoil.
Harry Potter
To see Harry Potter in your dream indicates that you have the potential to accomplish amazing things in the face of insurmountable hardships. Harry Potter reflects a more modern, atypical version of a movie hero with glasses and a quiet yet immensely strong personality.
To dream that you are Harry Potter represents your desires to escape from reality. You are living in your own fantasy world.
To dream that you are harvesting crops denotes that you still have some ways to go before fully developing your career and goals. Alternatively, a harvest symbolizes plentitude and abundance. You are about to reap the benefits of your hard work. If you grew up on a farm, then the dream could be bringing you back to a simpler time or to a time where you felt a certain way.
Hash Browns
To see or eat hash browns in your dream indicate a positive outlook to your day. You are getting off to a good start for some project.
To see or wear a hat in your dream indicates that you are hiding an aspect of yourself or that you are covering up something. Alternatively, it represents your attitude or the various roles and responsibilities you have in your waking life.
To dream that you are wearing different hats symbolize the many different roles you have in your waking life. Perhaps you feel you are stretched too thin and overburdened by daily responsibilities.
To dream that you are changing hats represent your changing opinions and thoughts.
To see eggs hatching in your dream indicates that you will realize your goals. It also means that your ideas are coming to fruition.
To dream about hate indicates repressed aggression and your fear of confrontations. On the other hand, you may forcing your views and opinions onto others. Consider the symbolism of other elements in the dream to find out what is it that you really hate.
To dream that you are being haunted indicates early unpleasant traumas and repressed feelings or memories. You are experiencing some fear or guilt about your past activities and thoughts.
To see a haunted car in your dream represents unfinished goals. You had started off on a path or journey, but never reached the end. Perhaps life has taken you on a different direction than you had planned or intended.
Haunted House
To dream of a haunted house signifies unfinished emotional business related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings.
To dream that you buy a house that is possessed or haunted suggests that you are trying to run away from the past. However, things have a way of catching up with you and you must deal with them or live with the consequences.
To see or dream about Hawaii symbolizes relaxation and leisure. You are trying to escape from your daily problems.
Hawaiian Shirt
To see or wear a Hawaiian Shirt in your dream represents your relaxed attitude. It also points to your warmth and approachability. You have a welcoming demeanor.
To see a hawk in your dream denotes that suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to proceed with caution. Alternatively, a hawk symbolizes insight. Consider the phrase “hawk’s eye” to mean that you need to keep a close watch on someone or some situation.
Dreaming of a dead hawk implies that you are being kept in the dark about some problem or issue. Someone is preventing you from knowing the truth.
If you dream of killing a hawk, then it suggests that you are lacking vision in some area of your life. Perhaps you are being too narrow-minded.
To see a hawthorn tree in your dream symbolizes fertility and rebirth. It also indicates a new surge in your creativity and personal development.
To smell a hawthorn in your dream represents sex, lust, or sensuality.
To see hay in your dream represents the necessity of hard work; nothing in life comes easy. You may also be feeling hopeless about a situation. Alternatively, hay indicates the need to nurture your maternal instincts, masculine energy, and/or your sexual urges. Consider also the symbol as a pun on “hey”. Your dream may be trying to call your attention to something.
To see a hazard in your dream suggests that you need to exercise caution in some aspect of your life. Weigh your options carefully and think through your actions.
To see or eat a hazelnut in your dream represents untainted love and honored devotion. You have no lingering doubt or mistrust in your relationship.
To see a head in your dream signifies wisdom, intellect, understanding and rationality. It may also represent your accomplishments, self-image, and perception of the world. The dream may also be metaphor to indicate that you are “ahead” in some situation or that you need to get ahead.
To dream that someone is trying to rip your head off suggests that you are not seeing a situation or problem clearly. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so.
To dream that you have two heads indicate that you need to learn to ask for help and accept assistance. Consider the metaphor “two heads are better than one”. Do not try to do everything yourself.
To dream that you have a headache suggests that you are heading in the wrong direction. You are ignoring your intellect and rational thinking. You need to utilize your mind and not let your emotions get out of control.
To see or wear a headband in your dream indicates that you are holding back some information. There is a secret that you are not revealing. Alternatively, the dream relates to some intellectual matter. Perhaps there is something that you need to think carefully about.
To see a headboard in your dream suggests that you are being shielded from some information. Alternatively, the headboard may be a play on words and indicates that you are mentally bored or uninterested in something.
To see or wear a headdress in your dream suggests that you will win out in some argument, battle or negotiation. You attack your problems head on.
To see a headless body walking around or dream that you are headless means that you are not using your head. You are not thinking clearly. Or the dream suggests that you have literally lost your mind. Consider how the body is dressed or the condition of the body. If the body is naked, then it implies that you are being too gullible or too trusting of others. If part of the body is burnt or wounded, then it indicates that your mindlessness have put you in harm’s way.
To see a headless horseman in your dream suggests that you are under some negative influence. It is usually a bad sign indicating that something is coming to an end. To dream that you are a headless horseman implies that you have an inflated sense of power. It may also mean that you are being secretive about something.
To see a car’s headlights in your dream indicate your inability to look beyond the past. You are dwelling on old issues. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are being caught off guard or caught by surprised as in a “deer in the headlights.”
If your headlights are on high beam, then it means that you are forcing your opinions and views on others.
To dream that you are reading a headline indicates a special message from your subconscious. Try to determine the significance of the message and how it applies to your waking life.
To dream that you are wearing headphones indicate that you are the only one getting the message. Furthermore, it means that you are in tune with your intuition.
To see a headstone in your dream represents a forgotten or buried aspect of yourself which you need to acknowledge. Consider also the message on the headstone. It may indicate a statement about your life and its condition.
To dream of healing represents your need for emotional and/or physical healing. You need to find the power to rectify and care for the issues in your life.
To dream that no one hears you refers to a waking situation where you feel that no one is listening to you or paying attention to what you are saying. You feel you are being overlooked or overshadowed.
Hearing Aid
To see or wear a hearing aid in your dream suggests that you are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. You are not picking up on certain cues.
To see a hearse in your dream indicates that you are moving into a new phase. You need to carry away and let go of some unfinished issues. Start taking action and making the necessary changes that will carry you into a new transitional level.
Dreaming of a hearse at wedding represents a major transition in your life. The symbolism of both the hearse and the wedding is about an end to something and the beginning of a new phase in your life.