
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Jam, Jacket, Jaw …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Jam, Jacket, Jaw …..


To see the letter “J” in your dream means that there is something that you need to hold on to and grasp, as reflected by its hook shape. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on someone named “Jay” or whose initial starts with J.


To dream that you are jabbing someone suggests that you need to take more initiative and stop doubting your own abilities. You need to be more direct in your approach.


To see the Jabberwock in your dream indicates that you lack focus. The dream may also point to insecurities about your physical abilities.

Dreaming that you kill the Jabberwock implies that you have overcome some threat or some major obstacle.


To see or use a jack in your dream suggests that you are looking for balance in your life. The dream may also symbolize a person who is named “Jack” in your life.

Jack Frost

To see Jack Frost in your dream represents someone who is cold or distant. It may also refer to someone who can’t take criticism. You don’t know how to relate to this person. Alternatively, Jack Frost is symbolic of winter time and the memories that that time of the year brings.

Jack In The Box

To see or play with a jack in the box toy in your dream signifies a pleasant surprise. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are all wound up about something that is weighing in your mind.

Jack O’ Lantern

To see a Jack O’ Lantern in your dream represents a force or spirit that is protecting over you.

To carve a Jack O’ Lantern in your dream suggests that you are trying to put on a tough or mean face. It refers to a superficial facade.


To see a jackal in your dream refers to manipulation. You have a tendency to feed off of others.


To see a jackdaw in your dream suggests that you need to be more sharing and giving. Alternatively, it symbolizes death or an end to something.


To see or wear a jacket in your dream represents the image that you want to present and project to the outside world. Alternatively, it symbolizes your protective and defensive persona. You tend to distant your feelings and as a result, you may isolate yourself. Consider also the color, appearance, and type of jacket for additional significance.


To see or eat jackfruit in your dream symbolizes fertility and abundance. Alternatively, a jackfruit represents luck. The larger the jackfruit, the greater the luck.


To see a jackhammer in your dream suggests that you need to make some drastic changes in your life. Break away from your old outdated attitudes and habits.


To see or win a jackpot in your dream suggests that you are too impulsive and relying too much on fate. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to take a chance in life in order to reap the rewards.


To play with jacks in your dream symbolizes your ability to take advantage of what life has to offer. The dream may be analogous to gathering various aspects, components or tidbits of knowledge, information, or ideas.

Jacob’s Ladder

To see Jacob’s ladder in your dream represents the path between heaven and earth. It is the connection between your spiritual and physical side. Each rung of the ladder signifies faith, hope and charity.


To dream that you are in a Jacuzzi suggests that you need to cleanse your emotions and rid yourself of all the negativity you are experiencing in your sex life.


To see jade in your dream indicates growth, healing power, purity, harmony, luck, immortality, and truth. It refers to the shaping and development of your personality.


To see a jaguar in your dream represents speed, agility, and power.


To dream that you are in jail suggests that you are feeling restrained or censored in your work environment, relationship or situation in your life. You are feeling confined and suffocated. Alternatively, it represents self-punishment and guilt. You are involved in some wrongdoing.


To dream that you are breaking out of jail refers to your desire or need to escape from a restrictive situation or relationship. Alternatively, dreaming of a jailbreak means that you are refusing to accept the consequences of your actions.

Dreaming of breaking someone out of jail suggests that you are compromising your values or beliefs.


To see a jailer in your dream suggests that you are being restrained in some way, either by your own belief system or by someone. Alternatively, it indicates your desires to control others.


To see or eat a jalapeno in your dream indicates that you need to put a little more pep in some area of your life. Perhaps you are feeling down and need a pick me up.


To dream that you are eating jam signifies pleasant surprises, sweet things and new discoveries. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun that “caught in a jam”. Are you in trouble or in a sticky situation?

To dream that you are making jam refers to a happy home life.

To dream that you are spreading jam indicates that you may be spreading yourself too thin. You have too many responsibilities and commitments. You need to learn to say no.


To see or dream that you are a janitor suggests that you need to work on cleaning up an aspect of your life.


To dream of the month of January signifies loss of love and broken companionship.


To dream about Japan or that you are in Japan depends on your own personal associations with the country. If you have never been to Japan, then the dream may represent some sort of realization enlightenment. As the land of the rising sun, Japan symbolizes peace of mind and tranquility.


To see a jar in your dream symbolizes the feminine womb. You are seeking protection. The dream may also be a pun on feeling “jarred” or shaken up by something or someone.

To see a honey bear jar in your dream represents a love one. If the honey bear is talking, then it refers to some advice that you should listen to or consider.


To see jasmine in your dream signifies love, beauty, protection and happiness. It is also an indication of short-lived pleasures.


To see jasper in your dream signifies longevity and healing.

To dream that a jasper stone is placed in your mouth means that the truth of some matter will soon be revealed to you.


To dream that you or someone has jaundice indicates indecision. You are having trouble coming to a decision about something. Alternatively, the dream may be a self-diagnose of jaundice. Perhaps it is time to visit your doctor.


To dream that you are stabbed by a javelin signifies a threat to your safety and freedom. Alternatively, it refers to the phallus.


To see the jaws of an animal in your dream indicate a misunderstanding. It may also mean that you are rushing into things. Alternatively, the dream suggests that someone or some situation is taking a large bite of your time, energy or some aspect of yourself.

To see your own jaw in your dream represents your stubbornness, determination and forcefulness. You may need to have more willpower and fortitude in some situation. To dream that your jaws are tight indicates unexpressed angers and other powerful feelings which you are holding back.

To dream that you break or dislocate your jaw suggests that you are compromising your own beliefs and principles.


To see or eat a jawbreaker in your dream indicates that a situation may look tempting and inviting, but it is in actuality very difficult to handle and control.

Jay Leno

To see Jay Leno in your dream suggests that you are looking for some comic relief. Best known as a talk show host, perhaps you are looking for someone to open up to and freely express the feelings that you are keeping inside. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that something important or significant is happening tonight.


To see a jaybird in your dream suggests that you are being too arrogant and overly confident of your abilities. Alternatively, a jaybird may be trying to call attention to something which you have overlooked.


To hear or play jazz music in your dream symbolizes excitement and/or creative freedom. You feel free to express yourself in a situation. This interpretation will also depend on whether you like or hate jazz music. If you like jazz music, then the dream indicates a positive outcome. If you don’t like jazz, then it implies that something is not going your way.


To dream that you are jealous of another person signifies that such feelings may be carried over from your waking life. The dream may reveal your subconscious feelings of jealousy toward that particular person. Alternatively, to dream of jealousy represents your vulnerability and your fear of intimacy. You need to work on self-love and on acknowledging your self-worth.


Wearing jeans in your dream may simply be a reflection of your waking Self and bear no additional significance. However, if there is a particular focus to the jeans, then the dream means that you need to take a more relaxed approach to some situation. If you are wearing or buying designer jeans in your dream, then it indicates that you have a relaxed attitude about money and other financial matters.

To dream that your jeans are too tight suggests that your ideals are set too high. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling restrained in some relationship or situation. You are lacking freedom.

To see ripped jeans in your dream implies that you are being overly lackadaisical about a situation or problem. The dream also denotes that you are acting inappropriately in some situation.

To dream that you are trying on jeans indicates that you are trying hard to fit in with others.

Jekyll and Hyde

To dream that you are Jekyll and Hyde indicates that you are battling between good and evil. You are conflicted between right and wrong. The dream also reflects the two extremes of your personality.


To dream that you are a Jedi indicates that you are in tune with your spiritual powers. You need to believe in mind over matter. Or you need to trust in your own metal powers.

To see a Jedi in your dream symbolizes the challenges in your life and the difficult decisions you are confronted with. Alternatively, it represents your quest for order and peace.

Dreaming that a Jedi is fighting with a Sidth represents conflict between good and evil. Perhaps you are torn with doing the right thing. You are struggling to not let negative emotions take over your actions.


To see a jeep in your dream suggests that you need to adopt a more active lifestyle. You need to get out and start doing! Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on “jeepin”, which is slang for having sex in the car. Perhaps you need to add some excitement or non-conventionality to your sex life.


To see or eat jelly in your dream represents insight into a situation you have been wondering about. The dream may be a metaphor for something that is finally taking shape. You have come to some understanding. Alternatively, it indicates that you are preserving or maintaining a sweet relationship.