What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Leash, Leather, Leaving …..
To dream that you are holding a leash indicates a need for more control in your life. You need to take the lead in some projection or situation.
To dream that you are wearing a leash suggests that you need to show more restraint with regards to your sexual urges and desires. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are too easily led or too easily influenced. You are letting other people control you and take you in a direction that you do not really want to go.
To dream that the leash is broken or that your pet has broken free from the leash implies that you have successfully broken away from somebody’s control and influence.
To see or wear leather in your dream represents toughness and ruggedness. It may imply your thick-skinned nature. Or perhaps you are seeking protection from the elements. Alternatively, the dream refers to your instinctual and animalistic nature. It may also have sexual connotations.
To see leaves in your dream signify new found happiness and improvements in various aspects of your life. It is symbolic of fertility, growth and openness. Alternatively, leaves represent a passage of time. Depending on the color and type of leaf, the dream could be highlighting a certain period of time. The leaves may also be a metaphor to “leave” you alone.
To see brown, gray or withered leaves in your dream signifies fallen hopes, despair, sadness and loss. If you are sweeping or raking leaves, then it represents the end of a project, relationship or situation. It also signifies experience.
To dream that you are digging leaves out of your ear literally means that your dream is trying to tell you to “leave” some situation or relationship.
To dream that someone is leaving you refers to feelings of rejection or of not being able to keep up. You are questioning your abilities. Perhaps you are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, the dream indicates an end to something; you are ready to let go of the past and move forward.
To dream that you are giving a lecture suggests that you are becoming somewhat of a bore. You need to improve your communications skills. Alternatively, your dream may serve as a continuation of your intellectual thinking, carried over from your waking hours.
To dream that you are listening to a lecture indicates that you need to do some research and weigh out your options before making a decision on some matter.
To dream that you are standing on a ledge indicates that you are feeling tense, anxious and/or excited. Consider what direction you are looking? Up? Down? Straight Ahead? The direction to which you are looking relates to your viewpoint, whether it be an optimistic one, pessimistic one or realistic one. On a more positive note, this dream may signify a sense of freedom and liberation.
To dream that someone is standing on a ledge denotes a sign of desperation and a cry for help.
To dream that you are keeping a ledger indicates a complicated situation which you have been left to fight on your own. If the accounts on the ledger are in good standing, then it refers to an improvement or positive turn to your situation. If the accounts on the ledger are senseless, then it signify losses, suffering or negativity.
If you find errors in the ledger, then it indicates that some minor disputes.
To see or be bitten by leeches in your dream refer to something in your life that is draining the energy and vigor out of you. The dream may refer to people, habits, or negative emotions that are sucking you out of your vitality. Alternatively, if your body is covered in leeches, then you are feeling disgusted by your own body or repulsed by something you have done.
To see a leek in your dream symbolizes victory and protection. The dream may also be a metaphor for a “leak”.
To dream that you are sailing leeward denotes pleasant occasions and joyous gatherings.
To dream of the direction left symbolizes the subconscious and your repressed thoughts/emotions. It is an indication of passivity.
To dream that you are left behind represents feelings of rejection or not fitting into a group. It may also highlight fears of not being able to keep up. You are questioning your abilities. The dream may be telling you that you are not utilizing your full potential. If you left something or someone behind, then it indicates that you are ready to let go of the past or move forward.
To see or eat leftovers in your dream symbolize resentment for the things that you are still clinging on to. It is time to let it go and let love in.
Leg Warmers
To see or wear leg warmers in your dream suggests that you are headed toward the right direction in life.
To wear leggings in your dream implies that you are flexible and open to change. You can adapt to various situations.
To dream that you are a member of a legislature suggests that you will experience many difficulties in moving ahead. The dream may be encouraging you to be more tenacious and determined in achieving your goals.
To see or play with Lego blocks in your dream refers to your ability to make something out of a single block. It may refer to the “building blocks” or foundation of some plan. The dream may also be a pun on “let go”. Is there something in your waking life that you need to let go.
To dream that something is make of Legos represents your imagination and creative mind. If you dream that a house is made of Lego blocks, then it symbolizes your creative self and your ability to manipulate how you want to be perceived.
To see your legs in your dream indicate that you have regained confidence to stand up and take control again. It also implies progress and your ability to navigate through life. If your legs are weak, then you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. If you dream that you are crossing your legs, then it implies defensiveness or your close minded attitude.
To see someone else’s legs in your dream represent your admiration for that person. You need to adopt some of the ways that this person does things.
To dream that your leg is broken, wounded or crippled signifies a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. If you dream that someone has one leg, then it refers to some sort of failing relationship.
If you are a woman and dream that your legs are hairy, then it suggests that you are too domineering. You may be overly controlling in a relationship. If you are trying to cover up your hairy legs, then it points to your passive aggressive nature.
To dream that one of your leg is shorter than the other suggests that there is some imbalance in some aspect of your life. You are placing more emphasis and weight on one thing, while ignoring other important aspects that need attention as well.
To dream that you have three or more legs denotes that you are undertaking too many projects. You are taking on more things that you can handle. Some of these projects will prove counterproductive.
To dream that you have a stick leg or a wooden leg suggests that balance has been restored in your once chaotic or hectic life. You are able to stand up again with the help and support of others. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you to slow down.
Dreaming that there are bite marks on your legs means that you need to proceed with caution. Someone doesn’t want you to succeed and may even try to stall your efforts. If you dream that you have staples or stitches on your leg, then it means that you are not letting obstacles stop you from proceeding with your goals.
To see legumes in your dream symbolize small annoyances and minor problems.
To dream that someone is giving you a lei signifies a welcoming, acceptance, and acknowledgement. The dream may also be a pun on “getting laid”.
To see lemmings in your dream suggest that you need to rethink the risks you are taking. It forewarns of some dangerous situation.
To see a lemniscate in your dream symbolizes time, longevity or possibilities. If you see objects shaped like a lemniscate, then the dream may be drawing your attention to the number 8. Consider the significance of this number in your waking life.
To dream that you are drinking lemonade suggests your need to cool off. Perhaps you are involved in an argument that is getting too heated. Metaphorically, the dream denotes a spiritual cleansing.
To see a lemon in your dream indicates something that is inferior in quality. Perhaps a situation or relationship has turned sour.
To eat or suck on a lemon in your dream refers to your need for cleansing or healing.
To dream that you are squeezing a lemon suggest your need to be more economical.
To see a lemur in your dream indicates that there is something in your life that you are not seeing clearly. You are lacking understanding, knowledge or awareness of some situation. Subconscious thoughts may be trying to push to the surface.
To dream that you are lending money represents your obligations to others. Alternatively, it symbolizes the value of your support system.
To dream that someone lends you something indicates that you need to reevaluate and better manage your resources before your deplete them. You may be on the path to dependency.
To see a lens in your dream symbolize the need for you to take a closer and better look at things. You need to concentrate and focus on a situation that has long been neglected.
To see or eat lentils in your dream represent your roots and your connections to humanity. Alternatively, lentils symbolize fertility or immortality.