
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Love, Lost, Luggage …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Love, Lost, Luggage …..


To see a log in your dream represents a significant and meaningful aspect of yourself. It may reflect some subconscious idea. Alternatively, a log signifies a transformation. You are headed toward a new direction in your life. The dream may also be metaphor that you are being a “log” or lazy. You need to get up and take action.

To dream that you are sitting on a log indicates personal satisfaction and joy in you life.

To see a log floating in water represents new opportunities. You may be overlooking something important.


To wear a loincloth in your dream represents raw male sexuality.


To see or lick a lollipop in your dream indicates surprises, new experiences and adventures. It also represents indulgence, sensuality and the pleasant aspects of your life. Alternatively, the lollipop may be a pun for “sucker” and thus suggests that you need to proceed with caution in some relationship or situation. Someone may be taking advantage of you.


To dream of the city of London signifies nobility. You have an elevated sense of self.


To dream of anything long refers to the penis and/or issues of power and prowess. The dream is about how your compare yourself to others or how others perceive you. Metaphorically, it may indicate that a situation or relationship has gone on too long.


To see or use a loom in your dream represents how you are expressing your individuality and creativity. This dream symbol may be a metaphor for weaving your destiny. You have control of your own fate and destiny.


To see a loon in your dream suggests that you have the ability to dig deep and bring up subconscious wisdom. You need to get to the bottom of some situation and look within yourself for the answers. It is time for self-exploration, self-reflection and introspection. The dream may also be a metaphor for someone who is “loony” or crazy.

Loop de Loop

To dream that you or something is moving in a loop de loop signifies the ups and downs of your life. You are not sure of the direction you are headed. Alternatively, dreaming of loop de loops implies that you are being mislead or tricked.


To dream that you are looting implies that some of your basic needs are not being met. Alternatively, the dream means that you have a false sense of control and/or power.

To see others looting in your dream forewarns of someone in your life who is opportunistic. Perhaps you are being taken advantage of.

Los Angeles

To dream of Los Angeles signifies opportunities. You need to learn to create your own success. Known as the city of angels, your dream may relate to your spiritual quest.


To dream that you lose something indicates that you may really have misplaced something that you had not realized yet. It may also be a signal for you to clean out and reorganize your life. Perhaps you are overwhelmed and distracted with the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. Alternatively, losing something often coincides with a significant life change or waking issue.

On a symbolic note losing things in your dream suggests lost opportunities, past relationships or forgotten aspects of yourself. Your personal associations to the thing you lose will clue you into the emotional meaning and interpretation of your dream.


To dream that you are lost suggests that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. If you try to call for help, then it means that you are trying to reach out for support. You are looking for someone to lean on. Alternatively, being lost means that you are still adjusting to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

To dream that someone else is lost represents some unresolved issues or feelings pertaining to the person that is lost. Consider what aspect of that person you may have lost within your own self. Perhaps you need to recapture and re-acknowledge those aspects.


To dream of playing the lottery suggests that you are relying too much on fate instead of taking responsibility for your own actions or decisions. You need to reconsider some issue or situation before committing to it.

To dream that you win the lottery represents your inner desires to live without having to worry about financial and material troubles. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that your number has come up and thus imply trouble coming your way.

Lottery Ticket

To see a lottery ticket in your dream indicates that you need to leave some aspect of your life to fate. Learn to let go and let fate take its course. If someone gives you a lottery ticket, then it means that fate is literally in your hands now.


To see a lotus in your dream represents enlightenment, growth, purity, beauty and expansion of the soul. The image of the lotus serves as encouragement and provides hope in dark and murky times.


To hear something or someone loud in your dream indicates that there is something in your waking life that is in need of your attention. Alternatively, the loudness in your dream may be a way for you to divert attention from something else. You are hiding from something.


If you have never been to Louisiana and have a dream that you are in Louisiana, then it points to your tendency to keep your feelings to yourself. Perhaps you are being cautious or mysterious. Alternatively, dreaming about Louisiana means that you need to add some pizzazz or spice to your life.


To dream that you are in a lounge suggests that you need to stop and take a break from some problem or issue in your waking life. You need to step back from the problem to cool off or to gain some perspective. Alternatively, the dream means that you are being lazy.


To dream of love or being in love suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It refers to your contentment with what you already have and where you are in life. On the other hand, the dream may be compensatory and implies that you may not be getting enough love in your life. We naturally long for the sense to belong and to be accepted.

Dreaming of saying the words “I love you” implies that you are ready for love and want to give love. To hear someone say “I love you” signifies that you are ready to accept love into your life. If you say “I love you” to someone and he or she doesn’t say it back, then it represents uncertainty in your relationship. Perhaps you feel that you are giving more than you are getting back.

To see a couple in love or expressing love to each other indicates success ahead for you.

To dream that your friend is in love with you may be one of wish fulfillment. Perhaps you have developed feelings for your friend and are wondering how he or she feels. Your preoccupation has found its way into your dreaming mind. On the other hand, the dream may suggests that you have accepted certain qualities of your friend and incorporated it into your own character.

To dream that you are making love in public or in different places relates to some overt sexual issue or need. Your dream may be telling you that you need to express yourself more openly. Alternatively, it represents your perceptions about your own sexuality in the context of social norms. You may be questioning your feelings about sex, marriage, love, and gender roles.

To dream of your lost love represents an idealistic relationship. You are looking for romance, excitement, and freshness that is lacking in your present relationship.

To dream that you are being told that you were never loved refers to your own personal feelings of being unworthy. Such feelings stem from feelings of guilt and/or low self-esteem.

If you dream of forbidden love, then it implies that you feel you are being prevented from doing something that you really want. Perhaps you have to choose sides.

Love Note

To receive a love note in your dream symbolizes a budding new love that is blossoming in your life. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are seeking some reassurance or reinforcement about a new relationship. You are feeling insecure.

Love Spell

To dream that you are under a love spell parallels waking feelings of love. The feeling is so strong and fresh that it has found its way into your dream. Be careful not to let your heart guide you. Perhaps, the dream forewarns that you need to exercise some control and objectiveness.

Love Triangle

To dream that you are part of a love triangle where you are in love with the same person indicates that you are experiencing some form of insecurity and jealousy in your waking relationship. You feel that your attention or time is being divided. If you dream that you are in love with two different persons, then it means that you are not completely committed to your current relationship. Alternatively, the persons involved in the love triangle may all be aspects of your own self. You are experiencing some strong emotional conflict.


To see a lovebird in your dream indicates that you are longing for or missing your partner. If you see two lovebirds, then it symbolizes the importance of partnership. You need to remember to focus on each other.


To see a lover in your dream symbolizes acceptance, self-worth, and acknowledgement of your true inner value. You are integrating aspects of the feminine and the masculine. As a result, you are feeling complete and whole. Alternatively, your dream lover may also be someone who is your ideal. The dream could be compensatory for an unsatisfactory or unfulfilling relationship in your real life.

To dream of an old or former lover signifies unfinished/unresolved issues related to that specific relationship. Perhaps, your current relationship is awakening some of those same issues.


To see or sit on a loveseat in your dream indicates your need for love and intimacy, especially if you are sitting alone. If someone else is sitting on the loveseat with you, then it suggests that you need to be more open about your feelings.


To dream that something or someone is low signifies something that is beneath you. Perhaps, you are feeling superior and are above some situation. Alternatively, the dream signifies something that you may have overlooked.


To dream that someone is loyal to you indicates that you are looking for emotional support. You are feeling alone and want to know that someone is behind you in whatever you do.

If you dream about seeing the word “loyal”, then it is highlighting the importance of loyalty in your waking relationship. Perhaps you are questioning your own loyalty or the loyalty of others.


To dream that you take LSD represents an awakening and expanded consciousness. You are looking at things from a new perspective.


To dream that you are at a luau represents your emotional needs and sexual desires. It also signifies your need to relax and enjoy life. You are working too hard!


To see or use lubricant in your dream implies that you want things to run more smoothly in some area of your life. Perhaps you need some motivation to get things moving.


To see Lucite in your dream indicates support. You may be undervaluing your support system and overlooking those who have helped you along the way. Alternatively, Lucite points to your unyielding attitude. The dream may also be a pun on “new sight”. Perhaps you are taking on a new perspective and a different view of things. It symbolizes clarity of mind.


To dream of good luck suggests that things will look up for you.

To dream that you have bad luck indicates that you are feeling sorry for yourself. You are quick to blame something or someone else for your own shortcomings and problems.

Lucky Charm

To dream of a lucky charm indicates that you are trying to connect with your spiritual energy. The dream may be telling you that you are putting too much faith on outside sources. You need to look within.


To see or carry luggage in your dream symbolizes the many desires, worries, responsibilities or needs that you are carrying with you and weighing you down. The size or weight of the luggage parallels the demands you are facing. You need to reduce your desires and problems in order to alleviate the pressure you are putting on yourself. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by past emotions or issues. Alternatively, luggage symbolizes your identity and sense of security.

To dream that you lose your luggage represents a lost in your identity. Consider how you feel when you discovered that your luggage is lost. If it is a positive reaction, then it signifies an opportunity for you to start fresh. If your reaction is negative, then it suggest that you are feeling lost.


To sing a lullaby in your dream signifies your ability to calm others. You bring peace and harmony to a situation.

To hear a lullaby in your dream represents your search for tranquility and peace.


To see lumber in your dream indicates your need for a fresh start. You need to start over and reorganize your life. It is time to rebuild. Alternatively, lumber stands for strength, creativity, and flexibility.


To see or dream that you are a lumberjack symbolizes strength and fortitude. You need to exhibit more of these qualities in some aspect of your life. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to attack your problems one segment at a time.


To dream that you have a lump on your body means that you need to slow down and listen to your instincts or to your body. Consider the location of the lump. If the lump is in your throat, then it implies that you need to think before you speak. If you dream that the lump is in your breast, then it suggests that you are busy tending to the needs of others and ignoring your own needs.


To see a lunatic in your dream represents an unacknowledged aspect of yourself. You may feel that your opinions and suggestions don’t matter or are being ignored. You feel like an outsider. Alternatively, you may feel that you have lost a person, situation, or relationship which you frequently depended on.


To see or eat lunch in your dream indicates that you are lacking spiritual enrichment and enlightenment in some area of your life.

Lunch Box

To see or carry a lunch box in your dream represents stored energy. You are preparing for some important event. Alternatively, the dream refers to your day to day support system. Consider the significance of the contents in the lunch box. If the lunch box is empty, then it means that you are lacking spiritual enrichment and enlightenment in some area of your life.


To see lungs in your dream symbolize insight, creativity, and inspiration. Alternatively, lungs may indicate a stressful situation and refer to a relationship/situation in which you feel suffocated. You need to take a deep breath and face up to the challenge.


To dream of lust or that you are lusting after someone suggests that you are feeling unfulfilled in some aspect of your life. Alternatively, lust means that you need to exercise some self-control.

To dream that someone is lusting after you means that you think highly of yourself. You have an elevated sense of self-worth and self-esteem.


To see or play the lute in your dream symbolizes pureness and faith.


To dream that you are living in luxury represents your lavish lifestyle. The dream may be telling you that you are living beyond your means. You need to be more thrifty with your spending.


To see a lynching in your dream represents feelings of self-guilt.


To see a lynx in your dream symbolizes secrecy. You need to expose and examine those secrets and learn from them. There is more to be known and more to be learned about a situation, relationship, or problem.


To see a lyre in your dream represents joy, calmness and harmony. The symbol may also be a pun on “liar”.