
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Needle, Neighborhood, Neck…..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Needle, Neighborhood, Neck…..


To see your neck in your dream signifies the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. It represents willpower, self-restriction and your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, “don’t stick your neck out” which serves as a warning against a situation.

To dream that your neck is injured or sore indicates a separation between your heart and mind. There is a literal disconnect between how you feel and what you think. You are feeling conflicted. Alternatively, the dream represents something or someone, who is literally a pain in the neck.

If you dream that your neck is thick or swollen, then it represents your quick temperedness.

Neck Brace

To see or wear a neck brace in your dream implies that you are trying to reconnect your heart and mind. You are trying to rationalize your emotions.

To dream that someone is wearing a neck brace refers to your support system.


To see or wear a necklace in your dream represents unsatisfied desires. It also highlights your intellect and your desire to have more influence and power over others. If the necklace is broken or lost, then it indicates that your rational thinking is in accordance with your emotional thinking. You need to act on your gut instinct about some situation or relationship.

Dreaming that a necklace is haunted implies that you are feeling confused about a relationship. Take into consideration who gave you the necklace or if the necklace previously belonged to someone else.


To see or wear a tie in your dream represents your obligations and relational bonds. The dream may also be a pun on feeling tied down to a situation or relationship. If the tie is loose around your neck, then it suggests that you have some unfinished business to tend to. If the tie is too tight, then it denotes that you feel trapped in a situation or condition.


To see or make nectar in your dream symbolizes sweetness and joy. Things are going very well for you in your life.


To dream that you are eating a nectarine indicates that you are at ease. You are content with the simple things in life.


To dream that you are in need suggests that you are lacking something important in your waking life. The needs in your dream often reflect waking needs.

To dream that someone is in need indicates that you need to be more compassionate and sympathetic to him or her. Learn to appreciate the things you have.


To see or use a needle in your dream indicates that you need to mend some relationship or situation that has gotten out of hand. A needle is also symbolic of some emotional or physical pain. Alternatively, the dream is a metaphor for male sexuality or a sexual act. In particular, to see knitting needles in your dream suggest that you are manipulating a situation in order to get a desired outcome.

To dream that someone is using a needle suggests that you need to incorporate and join together various aspects of your consciousness.

To look for a needle in your dream symbolizes useless worries over small, trivial matters. Consider the phrase of looking for a needle in a haystack to represent our fruitless pursuits.

To dream that you are threading a needle represents unfinished issues that you need to tend to and perhaps even repair. Alternatively, the dream may have sexual connotations.

Dreaming of a needle stuck in your finger indicates that you are feeling unappreciated. You are not being recognized for your contribution or hard work. The dream may also point to a verbally abusive relationship.


To see picture negatives in your dream represent a relationship or situation that is developing. The dream may be a pun on some “negative” person or force in your life. Consider also what is being depicted in the negative.

To have a dream in negative images implies that you are lacking an emotional component to your dreams. Alternatively, such dreams reflect memories and past experiences.


To feel neglected in your dream represents some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. Perhaps you are overlooking something. Alternatively, it may reflect your real waking experiences of being neglected.

If you dream of a neglected child, then it suggests that you are ignoring the desires of the inner child within. You are so focused on the responsibilities of your daily life that you forget to stop and enjoy the smaller things.

To dream that a dog is neglected indicates that you are taking some of your friends for granted.


To see or wear a negligee in your dream indicates your suggestiveness. Perhaps you feel that people can see right through to who you are and your intentions. Do you have a secret that you are afraid will be revealed? The symbol may also be a pun on your negligence of some situation.


To dream of having a good neighbor signifies enjoyment and tranquility at home. If you dream of an angry or unfriendly neighbor, then it signifies dissension and disappointment. There is a waking issue that you need to address with your neighbor. Alternatively, the dream could mean relocation from your home. Perhaps you are in need of a change of scenery.


To dream about your neighborhood represents a sense of community. You need to develop new friends and new ties. Consider your waking feelings toward your neighbors.

To dream that you are in an unknown neighborhood signifies aspects of your subconscious. The dream may also parallel a waking situation which is new or unfamiliar to you. You are venturing into a brand new territory and it is making you slightly anxious and uneasy.

To see a poor neighborhood in your dream indicates that you are feeling drained or emotionally impoverished. You are lacking support or love. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to get you to be more compassionate to those who are less fortunate. Perhaps you need to extend a helping hand to someone who is in need. The poor neighborhood may also just be a reflection of your actual living situation.

Neon Light

To see neon lights in your dream symbolize your aspirations and desires for recognition or fame, particularly if it is your name in neon. Also consider what is written in neon. There is an important message that your subconscious is trying to convey.


To dream of your nephew represents some aspect of yourself that you need to acknowledge or recognize within yourself.


To see the planet Neptune in your dream represents inspiration, imagination, and devotion. You may need to show some more compassion and understanding.

To see the Neptune god in your dream indicates some supercharged emotion that you need to address in your waking life. You need to control your temper.


To see or dream that you are a nerd indicates feelings of inferiority and/or ineffectiveness. You feel that you have been overlooked.


To dream that you are nervous about something indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of insecurity.

Nervous Breakdown

To dream that you or someone has a nervous breakdown suggests that you have lost your frame of reference in a relationship or situation. You are seeking more clarity and insight. The dream also indicates that you are having difficulties trusting your own judgment and decisions. You are feeling insecure.


To see a nest in your dream signifies comfort, safety, homeliness, protection, or new opportunities. Consider the condition of the nest and how it parallels your waking home situation and home life. Alternatively, the nest also means emotional dependency.

If the nest is full of eggs, then it symbolizes your financial future and financial security. The dream could thus be a pun on “nest egg”. If the eggs in the nest are broken or bad, then it symbolizes disappointments and failures. You are being pulled into someone else’s problems or arguments.


To see a net in your dream suggests that you are caught in a complicated life situation. You feel trapped. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to expand your reach. it is time to “cast those nets” and see what comes back. The net may thus be a metaphor for your network of connections or the internet.


To dream that you are looking for something to watch on Netflix represents a recap of what is happening in your life. Pay attention to the show titles that you see on the screen. Watching Netflix in your dream also indicates that you are taking control some area of your life.


To see nettles in your dream represents a difficult situation that you need to avoid. You may be experiencing difficulty in expressing yourself. Perhaps you are in the middle of a “stingy” situation.


To see a new house in your dream indicates that you are taking on a new identity and developing new strengths. You are becoming more emotionally mature.

To see new shoes in your dream suggest that you are overconfident in your success. Alternatively, you may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you.

To dream that you are at a new school means that you are feeling out of place in some situation. Or perhaps there is a new lesson that you need to learn.

In general, dream of new things and new places correspond to what is new in your waking life. It refers to something that is different or unfamiliar.

New Year

To dream of the New Year signifies prosperity, hope, new beginnings and an opportunity to make a fresh start. It also represents the start of some new project or a fresh outlook in life. On a spiritual level, the New Year represents enlightenment or new found understanding.

New York

If you do not live in New York, but dream that you are in New York, then it symbolizes your fast paced lifestyle. Perhaps things are moving too fast and you are unable to keep up with the demands of everyday life. Alternatively, the dream represents your desires for more excitement in your life. Or you are striving for success in your professional career. Known as “the big apple, dreaming of New York City could mean that you need to eat a more healthy diet.


To watch or listen to the news in your dream signifies an important message from your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to be more objective in a situation.

To hear good news in your dream is a dream of the contrary and represents a negative turn in events. If you hear bad news in your dream, then a situation is not as bad as you had anticipated.