
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Paper, Parade, Parents …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Paper, Parade, Parents …..


To see a panda in your dream suggests that you are having difficulties coming to a compromise in a waking situation. You need to find a middle ground so that all parties involved will be satisfied. Alternatively, a panda is symbolic of your own childlike qualities or something that is cuddly.

Pandora’s Box

To dream of a Pandora’s box indicates hope. You will soon experience a turn for the better. Alternatively, it symbolizes your curiosity, your subconscious thoughts and your need to express them.


To see a pangolin in your dream means that you need to protect yourself from your own drive. You are moving forward too recklessly and need to think before taking action.


To dream that you are in a panic indicates a lack of control and power in your life. You are feeling helpless in some situation or unable to make a clear decision. Calm down.


To see a pansy in your dream symbolizes undying and never ending love. It may also mean thoughtfulness, remembrance and nobility of the mind. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being too gullible. Or that you are not standing up for yourself.


To see a panther in your dream signifies lurking danger and enemies working to do you harm. It represents darkness, death, and rebirth. On a more positive note, panthers signify power, beauty and/or grace. Consider the feel of your dream to determine which meaning applies.


To see or wear panties in your dream represent your feminine attitudes and feelings. It reflects a female point of view.

To dream that you are taking off your panties signifies your ideas of sexuality. It may also indicate your need to get to the bottom of things. You may want to find a way out of a situation.


To see a pantomime in your dream represents a time in your life when things were more carefree and spontaneous. Alternatively, the dream may be dramatically calling your attention to an area that you need to be more aware of.

To dream that you are a pantomime indicates that your voice is not being heard. Or your actions are being misunderstood and misconstrued.


To see or open the pantry in your dream means that you have many resources within your reach. There is help when you need it. If the pantry is bare or empty, then it points to an emotional void that you are experiencing in your waking life.


To see or wear pants in your dream suggest that you are questioning your role in some situation. Consider the material and color of the pants for additional interpretation. Alternatively, the dream may be hinting at some sexual matter.

To dream that you are wearing velvet pants signifies your sensual side.


To see or wear a pantyhose in your dream represents alluring sexuality. Consider the color of the pantyhose. If it is nude or beige color, then it signifies your discreteness. If it is black, then it symbolizes your hidden sexuality waiting to be expressed. If it is red, then it represents overt sexuality. If the pantyhose is torn or have a run, then it indicates lacking self esteem and reduced self confidence.

Pap Smear

To dream that you are getting a pap smear indicates concerns with your body and/or sexuality. You are feeling insecure. Alternatively, the dream may just represent your anxiety about your pap smear results or that you are due for a pap smear.


To see or eat papaya in your dream indicates a healthy sex drive.


To see blank white paper in your dream signifies your desire to make a fresh start in your life. You need to express yourself through writing or art. Alternatively, blank paper indicates that you need to work on being more communicative.

To see a stack of papers in your dream denotes overwhelming responsibilities and stress that you are having to cope with. You are not effectively dealing with the issues at hand.

To see crumpled paper in your dream symbolizes abandoned ideas.

Dreaming of a piece of red paper suggests that you need to communicate your anger in a more effective and rational manner. Alternatively, red paper is symbolic of luck, happiness and wealth.

Paper Bag

To see an empty or folded paper bag in your dream represents the womb, secrets and the feminine.

To see a filled paper bag in your dream denotes something that may appear ordinary on the outside but can be extraordinary inside. In other words, do not judge something or someone by outside appearances. Consider what is inside the bag for additional significance.

Paper Plane

To see or fold a paper plane in your dream represents your frivolous pursuits. You are wasting time with ideas that go no where.

Paper Plates

To see or use a paper plate in your dream represents temporary nourishment or rewards. You need to take advantage of an opportunity before it is gone forever.

To dream that you are writing on a paper plate refers to a fleeting idea or a message that you need to quickly convey.

Paper Towel

To see or use a paper towel in your dream suggests that you are experiencing some temporary setbacks. You need to quickly clean up your past issues before you can move forward with your life.


To see or use a paper clip in your dream indicates that you are trying to hold together a relationship. Alternatively, a paperclip means that you need to organize certain aspects of your life.


To dream that you are being chased or stalked by the paparazzi indicates that your privacy is being violated. You feel that your own identity is lost. Alternatively, the dream represents your aspirations for fame.

To dream that you are a paparazzo suggests that you chasing and seeking fame.

To see the paparazzi in your dream represents your need to focus in on a particular situation. You are trying to capture some idea or concept.


To see or taste paprika in your dream represents someone or something is trying to get your attention. Alternatively, dreaming about paprika is a warning of seeing a different side of a person when they are angry.


To see a papyrus in your dream indicates that you need to look to the past order to learn from it.


To dream that you are in a parachute represents a protective force over you. You have a sense of security. Alternatively, the dream implies that it is time to bail out of a situation or abandon an old idea or habit.

To dream that you have difficulties with a parachute or that the parachute does not open suggests that you are let down by someone you relied on and trusted. You feel abandoned.


To dream that you are watching a parade indicates that you are being sidetracked or distracted from achieving your goals. You may even be purposely preventing yourself from pursuing your goals and desires because you fear that you will fail. Alternatively, the parade symbolizes cycles, passage of time, or a special event in your life. Consider also the symbolism of whatever figures/animals/floats are in the parade. They may reflect a need for you to incorporate these attributes into your own character.

To dream that you are in a parade indicates that you are going along with the masses and with what everybody else wants. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go.


To dream that you are in paradise symbolizes your desire to achieve spiritual perfection. Your dream is expressing a desire to retreat from the stresses of the real world. Alternatively, it indicates that you are living in your own world. You are not being realistic.


To see a parakeet in your dream indicates that you lack initiative and new idea. You need to be more unconventional and spontaneous. The dream also relates to dependency and immaturity.


To see a parallel line in your dream suggests that you like to avoid conflict and confrontation. The dream may also be highlighting how you are too linear in your thinking.

To dream that you are in a parallel dimension or parallel universe implies some regret you have about a past decision or choice.


To dream that you are paralyzed reflects the current state of your body while you are dreaming. During the REM state of sleep, your body is really immobile and paralyzed. People report that they cannot run or hit, despite how hard they try.

Symbolically, dreaming that you are paralyzed means you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspects or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or change anything. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are feeling emotionally paralyzed. You have difficulties expressing your feelings.


To see the paramedics in your dream signify an issue that you need to address immediately before it gets to a critical state. You have been avoiding the problem for too long. Alternatively, the dream may mean that there is a situation or relationship that you need to “revive”.


To dream that you are paranoid indicates your hesitance in moving forward in some situation or relationship. You are so overcome with fear and suspicion that you are not ready to take that major step in your life.


To dream that objects are moving on its own or that switches and electronics are turning on/off or some other paranormal activity indicates that you are refusing to take responsibility for your actions. The dream is also saying that you tend to let things happen instead of making things happen.


To see a parasite in your dream suggests that you are feeling physically drained. You are becoming too dependent on others and experiencing a significant loss of vitality. Alternatively, a parasite refers to your tendency of taking without giving back.


To see or dream that you are writing on parchment implies that there is special importance in the words that you are seeing or writing. Pay attention to the words and its significance to your waking life.


To dream that you or someone has been pardoned suggests that you need to be more forgiving in some situation.


To see your parents in your dream symbolize both power, shelter, and love. You may be expressing your concerns and worries about your own parents. Alternatively, it represents the merging of the female and male aspects of your character.

To dream about the death of your parents indicates that you are undergoing a significant change in your waking life. Your relationship with your parents has evolved into a new realm.

Dreaming about your friend’s parents, even though you may have never met them, refers to your wishes of how you want your own parents to be like.