What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Prison, Princess, Property …..
To dream that you are a princess indicates that you are realizing your full potential. However, there is still more growing that you need to do. It is also a symbol of youth and mental development. Alternatively, the dream may mean that that you are too demanding. Or that you are too use to getting your own way. Perhaps you are acting like a spoiled brat.
To see a princess in your dream represents the object of your affections or desires.
If you are male and dream of a princess, then it represents your sister or an important female figure in your life. Perhaps you feel you feel that you have come to save the day. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman.
Princess Diana
To see Princess Diana in your dream indicates that you need to be more compassionate or giving. Alternatively, the image of Princess Diana may signify a loveless relationship and your search for true love.
To see the principal or dream that you are in the principal’s office indicates feelings of guilt. You are expressing some anxiety over your actions and the fear that you will be exposed. Alternatively, it represents inferiority or low self esteem.
To dream that you are a principal symbolizes your leadership skills and your ability to shape the minds of others. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your own personal principles.
To dream that you are printing something indicates that you are about to reveal something that you had previously kept to yourself.
To see a printer in your dream suggests that you are trying to express a thought or idea in a way that others can understand.
To dream that the printer is not functioning indicates your difficulties and frustrations in communicating your thoughts across.
Printing Press
To see a printing press in your dream represents communication. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have not learned from your past life lessons or previous mistakes. You need to take in what you learned from the past and incorporate it into your present life.
To see a prism in your dream represents your connection to your spirituality. You need to be more in tune with your spiritual side. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes the multiple aspects of a problem and the various angles of looking at the problem. You need to approach some issue from a new direction.
To dream that you are in prison indicates that you are being censored in some area of your life. You feel that your creativity is being limited and that you are not allowed to express yourself.
To see someone else in prison in your dream signifies an aspect of yourself that you are unable to express freely.
To dream that you or someone is released from prison means that you need to make some major changes in your waking life. Eventually, you will overcome your obstacles
To dream that you have no privacy suggests that you are feeling exposed and unprotected. Perhaps there is something that are you trying to hide. To dream that you have privacy indicates that you are repressing your emotions and not allowing them to be fully expressed. You are worried that others will see the real you and criticize you.
Private School
If you go to private school in real life, then the dream may just be a reflection of your current surroundings. If you do not go to private school and dream that you are, then it denotes that some privileged information or knowledge is about to be revealed to you. You are about to learn a valuable life lesson.
To dream that you receive a prize represents your accomplishments. You have made significant progress in personal goals.
Pro Shop
To see or dream that you are in a pro shop indicates that you do not have all the necessary tools needed for success or needed to accomplish your goals.
To dream that you are on probation suggests that you need to stop putting things off and start confronting the problem at hand. You have had enough time to reflect on your past mistakes. It is time to make amends.
To see a procession in your dream suggests that you are ready to stand up for your beliefs. Alternatively, it signifies the constancy of your love.
To see a professor in your dream symbolizes higher learning and wisdom. You will have prominence in some field.
To dream that you are making a profit signifies your business aspirations and professional goals. The dream also implies that you or someone is taking advantage of a situation in a negative way.
To dream about computer programming represents your mindset. The dream warns that you are doing things by rote. You are not thinking through what you are doing. Alternatively, the dream indicates a lack of autonomy over the direction of your own life.
To see or use an overhead projector in your dream suggests that you need to “project” yourself. You need to make your presence known and your voice heard.
To dream that you are at a prom signals an end to something and the beginning of something else. It refers to cycles and the passage of time. Alternatively, the dream may just be about your anticipation of your own upcoming prom in real life.
To dream that you make a promise symbolizes your waking life commitments. Perhaps you have concerns about being able to keep your word.
Promissory Note
To see a promissory note in your dream indicates that you need to allow yourself more freedom to do something. Don’t be so hard or strict on yourself.
To dream that you are getting a promotion at work signifies an increase in your level of self confidence. You are feeling good about yourself.
Propane Tank
To see a propane tank in your dream suggests that you are under some sort of pressure or stress. If the propane tank is empty, then it means that you have overcome the stress in your life.
To see a propeller in your dream represents forward movement and progress. It may also symbolize a spiritual journey.
To dream that you are buying property represents your standing in life. You are expressing concern about the future. Alternatively, buying property in your dream signifies intellect, stability and status.
To dream that you lose your property suggests that you have lost your sense of security. You are on instable ground.
These interpretations are property of dm inc.
To see a prophet in your dream indicates knowledge, wisdom, and your need for guidance. The dream also highlights your fears and anxieties about the future. You want to know the unknown.
To dream that you are being proposed to indicates that you are merging a previously unknown aspect of yourself More directly, the dream may mean that you are thinking about marriage or some serious long-term commitment/project/situation. Are you thinking about proposing to someone? Your reaction to the proposal indicates your true feelings about marriage or commitment.
To dream that you are being prosecuted suggests that you are feeling guilty about something in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to be more accepting of yourself and less judgmental of others. Perhaps, you are too harsh on yourself or on others.
Prostate Exam
To dream that you are getting a prostate exam refers to some unpleasant, but necessary task that you need to go through in your life. You may not enjoy the experience, but it is for your own good. Alternatively, a prostate exam indicates that you are uptight about something. A more direct interpretation of this dream may be that you are nervous about an upcoming prostate exam.
To dream that you have a prosthesis indicates that you are exploring a new perspective in life. You are reaching out in a different and profound way. Consider also where on the body the prosthesis is fitted as that body part may offer additional significance. If you have a prosthetic arm, then it means that you are exploring a completely new way of doing something. If you have a prosthetic leg, then it means that you are headed toward a new journey.
To dream that you are a prostitute indicates your desires for more sexual freedom/expression and sexual power. You want to be less inhibited and explore other areas of sexuality. Perhaps your waking ideology about sex is too rigid. On a negative side, to dream that you are a prostitute suggests that you are harboring feelings of guilt toward a relationship. You are having difficulties integrating love and sexuality. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor suggesting that you are “prostituting” yourself in some situation, either emotionally or morally. Are you selling yourself in some way?
To see or dream that you are with a prostitute suggests that you are feeling sexually deprived or needy. Alternatively, the dream is commenting on how you wished that sexual relationships were more simple and straightforward.
To dream that you are being protected or need protection indicates that you are feeling helpless in some situation. Life’s difficulties has made you dependable on others. You need to start taking charge of the situation.
To dream that you are protecting someone or something suggests that you are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you. Consider who or what you are protecting for clues as to what aspect of your own self you are afraid of letting out and letting others know.
To dream that you are at a protest indicates that you need to speak up for yourself and for your rights. Pay attention to the details of your dream as you may be ignoring or overlooking some important issue in your life. It is time to take action.
To see or use a protractor in your dream implies that you are trying to look at things from someone else’s angle. You want to put yourself in their place so you can better relate to what they are going through or experiencing. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun; you are looking for a time extension on something.
To dream that you are pruning represents growth. You need to get rid and cut away at your old habits and former ways in order to move forward. Get rid of what you no longer need.
To see prunes in your dream symbolize an emotional or creative blockage. It may also imply old age as suggested by the metaphor “as wrinkled as a prune”.
To see a psychic in your dream represents your desires to know the unknown. You are experiencing anxieties about the future and in achieving your goals. Additionally, you may feel a lack of control in the path that your life is taking.
To dream that you are psychic represents your intuition and the sensitive side of your personality.
To dream that you have psychokinesis indicates how you manipulate your surroundings. You are being over controlling.
To see or dream that you are a psychologist symbolizes the intellectual and mental aspect of yourself. Perhaps you to be more understanding about a situation or event. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
To see a psychopath in your dream suggests that you are being deceived or manipulated. It may also mean that you are feeling detached.
To dream that you are a psychopath implies that you are feeling larger than life. The dream is a warning that your ego is getting out of control.