What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… T-Shirt, Truth Or Dare, Tunnel …..
To see or drink from a trough in your dream represents some emotional or sexual issue that must be confronted.
To see trousers in your dream signify temptation or sexual allure. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are questioning your role in some situation.
To dream that you put on your trousers the wrong way signify your gravitation for oddness and peculiarity.
To see a trout in your dream symbolizes increase prosperity and fortune.
To dream that you are eating trout signifies your cheerful attitude towards life.
To dream that you catch a trout represents joy and pleasure. If it falls back into the water, then your happiness will be short-lived.
To dream that a trout swallowed your lip balm implies that you are trying to take back something you said.
To see a trowel in your dream refers to the spreading of kindness and affection.
To see a truck in your dream suggests that you are overworked. You are taking on too many tasks and are weighed down by all the responsibilities. Pregnant women often dream of trucks or driving trucks. This may be a metaphor of the load they are carrying or an expression of their changing bodies.
To see a truck crash in your dream implies that you are feeling overloaded and are in danger or burring yourself out if you don’t slow down.
Truck Stop
To dream that you are at a truck stop suggests that you need to reenergize and recharge yourself. You need to take some time off to rest.
To eat a truffle in your dream suggests that you need to allow yourself to be a little self-indulgent sometimes. You deserve it!
To see or hear a trumpet in your dream signifies some sort of warning or danger that you have found yourself in. It may be a way for your subconscious to get your attention.
To see a trunk in your dream represents old memories, ideals, hopes, and old emotions. It indicates issues and feelings that you have not dealt with.
To see the trunk of a car in your dream signifies the things that you are carrying around with you.
To see the trunk of a tree in your dream signifies your personality, your character, and your inner sense of well being. It is symbolic of your backbone and the things that hold you up. If the trunk is thick and large, then it denotes that you are a strong, rugged and durable person. If the trunk is thin and narrow, then it suggests that you are a highly sensitive person.
To dream about trust symbolizes self-acceptance. You need to work on integrating aspects of yourself.
Truth Or Dare
To dream that you are playing truth or dare indicates that you need to hold true to your words and do what you say you are going to do.
To dream that you have to tell the truth, then it means that you need to come clean about something that has been nagging on your mind. You need to release some guilt or clear your conscious.
To dream that you dare someone to do something suggests that you are being too dominating. If someone dared you to do something, then it indicates that you will find yourself in some embarrassing or compromising position.
To see or wear a T-shirt in your dream suggests that you need to take it easy and relax. Alternatively it represents your honesty and genuineness, especially in your personal relationships. Consider also if there is a design or saying on the T-shirt.
To dream that someone is tossing t-shirts into the crowd means that you need to slow down and enjoy the moment.
To see a tsunami in your dream means that you are being overwhelmed by some repressed feeling or subconscious material that is rising up to the surface. You are experiencing some unhappiness and emotional instability in a waking situation.
To see or play a tuba in your dream indicates that there is an important message that you need to convey. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you want to make your presence known and stand out from the crowd.
To dream that you are tubing suggests that you are on experiencing emotional ups and downs.
To dream that it is Tuesday means that it is time to set up your goals and put your plan into action. The dream is also telling you to stay focus.
Tug Of War
To dream that you are playing tug of war suggests that you need to balance various aspects of your personality. You need to learn to compromise.
To see a tugboat in your dream indicates that you take pride in your work, even if it is menial or minor work. Alternatively, the dream means that you are looking for a some guidance and direction in confronting your emotions.
To see tulips in your dream indicate fresh new beginnings. You are loving life! Tulips are also symbolic of faith, charity, hope, perfection, idealistic love and fertility. Consider the pun “two lips”. Perhaps it is hinting to a kiss?
To see a tumbleweed in your dream refers to your feelings of loneliness and emptiness. You are lacking direction in your life. Alternatively, the tumbleweed symbolizes the passage of time.
To see or dream that you are tumbling represents your ability to balance aspects of your life. You are able to land on your feet and overcome difficulties with grace. Alternatively, the dream signifies carelessness. Tumbling may also be a metaphor that you have taken a “tumble” or a misstep.
To dream that you or someone has a tumor suggests that some repressed memory or feeling remains unsettled and is threatening to emerge into your consciousness. You need to confront these issues. Consider where in the body is this tumor is located for additional symbolism.
To see tuna in your dream symbolizes stamina and agility. Through your life experiences, you will build character and become stronger.
Tuning Fork
To see or use a tuning fork in your dream suggests that you are “in tune” with your conscious or your instinct. Keep on doing whatever you are doing.
To see a tunnel in your dream represents the vagina, womb, and birth. Thus it may refer to a need for security and nurturance.
To dream that you are going through a tunnel suggests that you are exploring aspects of your subconscious. You are opening yourself to a brand new awareness. Alternatively, it indicates your limited perspective as in the phrase “tunnel vision”. Are you being close minded or narrow minded in some issue?
To see the light at the end of a tunnel symbolizes hope. You will navigate through life and all its difficulties with great success. Alternatively, it also indicates the end of your journey and the realization of your goals.
To see Tupperware in your dream represents feelings or issues from the past that you are still holding on to.
Dreaming that you are having a Tupperware party symbolizes your practical thinking.
To see or dream that you are wearing a turban suggests that you are feeling confined by what society considers normal.
To see green turf in your dream symbolizes happy times.
To see a turkey in your dream indicates that you are being foolish. You are not thinking clearly. Alternatively, a turkey is symbolic of Thanksgiving and thus, a time of togetherness and family.
To see a sick or dead turkey in your dream denotes an attack to your pride.
To see a flying turkey in your dream foretells of a rapid rise from obscurity to a position of prominence.
To dream that you are hunting or shooting a turkey, suggests that your success is achieved through dishonest and underhanded means.
To see or taste turmeric in your dream symbolizes passion and zest for life. You are looking for a stimulation of your senses.
Turn Signal Light
To see or use the turn signal light in your dream means that you are looking for validation or approval. If the turn signal light does not work, then it indicates that you are experiencing some hesitation about the decision you have made or the direction that you have taken.
To see or eat a turnip in your dream indicates that you will overcome your current problems. It is symbolic of compassion, wealth, or a bright outlook. Alternatively, the dream suggests that whatever you are looking for will “turn up”.
To dream that someone gives you a turnip signifies an offering of friendship, compassion, and kindness.
To see or walk through a turnstile in your dream indicates that you are entering a new phase or transition in your life. You are receptive to changes. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your need to turn or change your style.
To see turquoise in your dream symbolizes luck, success and fortune. The turquoise possess healing energy and acts to unify forces between the spirits of the earth and the air. Alternatively, the dream indicates an evil or negative force that you are trying to ward off.
As a color, turquoise is symbolic of healing power and natural energy. It is often associated with the sun, fire, and masculine power. If you have negative feelings toward this color, then it indicates that you are shutting off your emotions and not letting people in. You fear change.
To dream that you are in a turret implies that you need to get all the facts and see the full picture before making a decision or taking action.
Seeing a turret in your dream indicates that you are feeling defensive about something.
To see a turtle in your dream symbolizes wisdom, faithfulness, longevity, and loyalty. It also suggests that you need to take it slow in some situation or relationship in your life. With time and patience, you will make steady progress. Alternatively, a turtle indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life. You are putting forth a hard exterior and not letting others in. As a result, you are feeling withdrawn.
To dream that you are being chased by a turtle indicates that you are hiding behind a facade, instead of confronting the things that are bothering you.
To see an elephant tusk in your dream symbolizes sexual desires.
To dream that you are a tutor suggests that you need to share and impart your knowledge on others. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun on “toot her”. In other words, you need to get the attention of some girl.
To see or have a tutor in your dream indicates that you are seeking some personal advice or guidance. There is something that you still need to learn.
To see or wear a tutu in your dream symbolizes your femininity or issues with your feminine side. You are struggling with gender roles and what is acceptable. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on the number 2 or 22. Consider the significance of the number in your waking life.
To see or wear a tuxedo in your dream represents culture, sophistication, and/or grace. It refers to a cultivated passion and your desires for the finer things in life. Alternatively, a tuxedo suggests that you want to amount to something in your life. You want to make a name for yourself and establish your reputation.
To see tweezers in your dream indicate that you need to look at a situation much more closely. There is something that requires precision and accuracy.
To see twigs in your dream represent small or minor growth that is occurring in your life.
To see the twilight in your dream refers to some old habit, condition, or situation.
To see twine in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others. Twine also symbolizes what is holding your relationship together. meanings by DreamMoods.com
To see twins in your dream signify ambivalence, dualities or opposites. You are either in harmony with or in conflict with your ideas and decisions. Alternatively, twins represent security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life.
To see twins fighting in your dream represent a conflict between the opposites of your psyche. One twin signifies emergence of subconscious material and suppressed feelings, while the other twin represents the conscious mind. There is some situation that you are not confronting.
To dream that you are giving birth to fraternal twins implies that your creative mind is clashing with your personal beliefs. Something or someone is pulling you in opposite directions.
Dreaming of giving birth to identical twins means that you are experiencing a surge in creativity. You are feeling inspired.
Twisty Tie
To see or use a twisty tie in your dream suggests that you need to put closure on a relationship or situation. It is time to move on. The dream may be analogous to how you are wound up or how your thinking is “twisted”.
To twitter in your dream represents your desires to stay connected with others. Perhaps you are expressing concerns about losing touch with someone around you. Alternatively, the dream implies that you need to be more concise in how you express yourself.
If you are following someone on twitter in your dream, then it may mean that you need to learn to think for yourself. You need to be a leader instead of a follower. Alternatively, if you dream that others are following you on twitter, then it highlights your leadership skills.
To see a typewriter in your dream indicates that you need to open the lines of communication with someone in your life.
To dream that you are typing symbolizes your communication skills. It may indicate the difficulties you have in verbally expressing your thoughts. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a “type” of something. Perhaps you are being typecast or that you are looking for your type.
To dream that you have typhoid signifies that you need to be cautious of your surroundings and be on alert for rivals meant to do you harm.
To see a typhoon in your dream indicates sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You may be experiencing some destructive and powerful emotions.
To dream that you are swept up in a typhoon suggests that both your mental and emotional forces are building up inside and making themselves known. You are being consumed by your emotions. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are being pressured and pushed against your will toward something you do not want to do.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
To see tyrannosaurus rex in your dream symbolizes your biggest fears. Alternatively, the dream means that you are behaving and acting tyrannical. You may be tearing people down and belittling them in some way.
To dream that you are being attached or chased by a tyrannosaurus indicates that you are being belittled by others. You feel you are being taken for granted.
To dream that you are a tyrant implies that you are too controlling. Alternatively, if you see a tyrant in our dream, then it may represent an aspect of your father’s character and his strictness.