
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Tree, Trip, Trick …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Tree, Trip, Trick …..


To see a tray in your dream indicates your senseless spending. You need to be more thrifty. Alternatively, a tray suggests that you are in support of some cause or group. You are supporting someone in an emotional or financial way.

To dream that food is served to you on a tray represents your need to be nurtured and cared for.

To drop a tray in your dream indicates disappointments. You are letting someone down.


To dream that you are on a treadmill indicates that you are stuck in the same old routine. You are not going anywhere despite your hard work and efforts. It is time to break free from the monotony.


To dream that you commit treason indicates conflict between yourself and the society you live in. You are going against what is acceptable.

Treasure Chest

To see a treasure chest in your dream represents your hidden talents. It also refers to a sense of security and belonging. You are content with where you are in a situation or relationship.

To dream that you are looking inside the treasure chest suggests that you are trying to recapture something valuable from your past.


To dream that you find treasures indicate that you have unveiled some hidden skill or talent. It also symbolizes your self worth and what you have to offer to the world. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something or someone that your value or “treasure”.

To dream that you are burying treasure suggests that you are thinking ahead to the future. Perhaps there is some talent or skill that you want to keep secret from others.


To see lush green trees in your dream symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.

To dream that you are climbing a tree signifies achievement of your career goals and attainment of higher positions in life. The speed at which you climb the tree will parallel the speed of your achievement of these goals. If you are sitting under a tree alone, then it indicates a time for reflection. You are contemplating an important decision. If you are sitting under a tree with someone else, then it means that you are evaluating the relationship. The dream may also mean satisfaction with your current situation.

To dream that you chop or cut down a tree indicates that you are wasting your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits. Alternatively, the dream may be a comment on your sexual fear or guilt.

To see a falling tree in your dream means that you are feeling off balance and out of sync. Perhaps, you are off track and headed in the wrong direction.

To see a withered or dead tree in your dream indicates that your hopes and desires have been dashed. You are experiencing some instability and setback in your life. Alternatively, the dead tree represents infertility or a lack of virility. Perhaps it signals an end to a familial line (as in a family tree).

To see bare trees in your dream indicate used up energy. You have put your all into some relationship or project and now you are exhausted. Perhaps you are even feeling depressed. Alternatively, the dream signifies the cycle of life or the passage of time.

To see crows perched on the dead tree symbolizes the end of some cycle or behavior. It is representative of death.

Dreaming of a tree that is bleeding refers to someone who is devoid of any emotion. Perhaps this person has experience a lot of hurt in their life. Alternatively, a bleeding tree symbolizes the cycle of life and death. If you dream of a forest of bleeding trees, then it highlights the transition from the beginning of something to the end or vice versa.

Tree House

To see or dream that you are in a tree house indicates that you are trying to escape from your waking problems. You are blocking off the harsh reality of daily life.

To dream that you are building a tree house suggests that you are working hard to realize your hopes and goals. The dream is about self-development and maximizing your own potential.

Tree Of Life

To see the Tree of Life in your dream represents your connection to all living kind. The dream is a reminder that you are not alone in the world. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you are feeling insignificant in some relationship or scenario.


To see a plant trellis in your dream symbolizes your support system.


To see trenches in your dream indicate that you are putting up some form of defense. You are being defensive about something and are drawing a line where you do not want others to cross. Figure out what you are trying to hide.


To dream that you are trespassing suggests that you are forcing your beliefs on others. You are also being overly attentive or overly possessive, especially in a relationship. You need to give someone their breathing room.


To dream that you are on trial indicates that you need to be more accepting of yourself and less judgmental of others. You may be too harsh on yourself or of others. Alternatively, a trial suggests that you are feeling guilty about something in your waking life.


To see a triangle in your dream symbolizes your aspirations, potential and truth. It represents your spirituality: the body, mind, and spirit. If the triangle is pointing upward, then it signifies the masculine while a downward pointing triangle signifies the feminine. Alternatively, seeing a triangle serves as some sort of warning or caution, especially if the triangle is yellow. The dream may also be a metaphor for a love triangle in your waking life.


To see a tribe in your dream suggests that you are being confronted by some unknown people, situation or idea which you are afraid of. You are not sure about how to approach the issue. If you join the tribe in the dream, then it indicates that you are experiencing doubts about going along with a certain decision.


To play a trick on someone in your dream indicates that you are not being honest with yourself. You are trying to divert attention elsewhere, other than yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for “turning tricks.”

To dream that you have been tricked suggests that your plans are about to backfire.

Trick or Treating

To dream that you are trick or treating represents the rewards you get when you set your mind to pursue your goals. The dream is also telling you that you need to learn to verbalize your desires in order for others to know what you want.

To dream that trick or treaters are knocking on your door denotes your desire to share your indulgences with others.


To see a trickster in your dream signifies deceit. Alternatively, the trickster symbolizes the cruel and cynical side of your own character. The trickster may appear in your dream to create havoc in your life. Or it is trying to break the monotony of your daily life.


To see a tricycle in your dream symbolizes simplicity and a carefree nature. You are experiencing an alleviation from tension and stress.


To see or use a trident in your dream symbolizes the God of the Sea. Because of the relation to the sea, it relates to some emotional issue. Also consider the symbolism of water and the ocean. Alternatively, a trident is indicative of your creative energy and sensitivity.


To see or eat a trifle in your dream symbolizes the various layers and multiple dimensions that make up your life. Perhaps the dream is a reminder that there are many depths to your personality. Or that you need some more pizzazz to your life.


To dream that you are trimming something represents growth. You need to get rid and cut away at your old habits and former ways in order to progress forward. Get rid of what you no longer need.


Dreaming about a trinket suggests that you are holding onto something or someone that you should let go. In particular, if the trinket is made of glass, then it indicates that you are too concerned with trivial matters. You are dwelling on little details and need to look at the large overall picture. Also consider any personal significance, shape or purpose of the trinket.


To dream that you trip on something indicates that something is out of order in your life. Things are not going as smoothly as you want, especially when you are faced with obstacles. The dream may forewarn that you are about to make a mistake in some waking decision.

To dream that you are going on a trip suggests that you are in need of a change of scenery. You are feeling overworked and need to take time out for yourself for some fun and relaxation. Alternatively, the dream means that you are looking to explore a different aspect of yourself.

To dream that you are on a business trip suggests that you are having a difficult time trying to relax and being at ease. You may be feeling overwhelmed.


To dream that you are eating tripe foretells that you will experience disappointments in some important matter.


To see triplets in your dream suggest that you need to consider the physical, the emotional and the spiritual aspects of a situation or decision. Also think about the significance of things that may appear in threes in your waking life.


To see a tripod in your dream represents stability and swiftness.


To see a triquetra in your dream refers to a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc. It may also hold some spiritual significance for you and thus represents the father, son and holy spirit. Alternatively, a triquetra symbolizes divine power, longevity, eternal love, protection and/or unity. It is a very positive dream symbol.


To see a troll in your dream suggests that you have an inferior self-image about yourself. You are belittling yourself or others. The troll in your dream may also represent someone in your waking life who you need to avoid.


To see or ride a trolley in your dream indicates that you are open-minded about the new journey or phase in your life. You are taking little steps toward your goals and pacing yourself.


To see or play a trombone in your dream represents success in love.


To see a trophy in your dream symbolizes recognition for your hard work. The dream may be trying to motivate you.


To dream about a tropical place signifies growth, creative energy and positive change. It also indicates a desire to escape from your daily problems.


To dream that you are getting in trouble is a reflection of guilt that you are feeling. You are not being completely honest about something and fear being exposed.

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