
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Venom, Veranda, Victorian …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Venom, Veranda, Victorian …..

Velvet Rope

To see a velvet rope in your dream symbolizes access. You feel special and privileged. Alternatively, the dream implies that the path that you have chosen for yourself can easily be altered. Don’t feel obligated to keep on the same path if you are no longer have passion for it.

Vending Machine

To see a vending machine in your dream represents the things that are just outside of your grasp or reach. You need to invest a little more effort before your goals come to fruition. Consider what is inside the vending machine for further significance.


To dream that you are veneering signifies deception. You are being someone you are not.

Venereal Disease

To dream that you have a venereal disease indicates some sort of contamination, either physical or emotional. You may feel vulnerable or victimized in a waking relationship. Alternatively, the dream signifies a fear of sex or an imbalance in sexual energy.


To come in contact with venom in your dream represents pent-up anger and hostility you may be expressing or experiencing from others. Perhaps, your feelings of hate are beginning to show through. Alternatively, the dream is indicative of a lack of self-esteem, lack of self-love, or insecurities you have.


To see a vent in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions. You are looking for an outlet to express your feelings. If the vent is dusty, then it implies that you are avoiding certain feelings.


To see a ventriloquist in your dream symbolizes deception, fraud or some treasonable matter affecting you in a negative way.

To dream that you are a ventriloquist signifies dishonorable conduct and deception towards people who trusted you. There is a part of yourself that you are not revealing. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to influence, manipulate, or control people around you.


To see Venus in your dream symbolizes love, desire, fertility, beauty, and femininity. It also represents the things you value and cherish in life.

Venus Flytrap

To see a Venus flytrap in your dream symbolizes the devouring female. It refers to a powerful or overbearing woman in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are feeling “snappy.”

To dream that you are being eaten by a Venus flytrap indicates that you are being overwhelmed by some dominant female in your waking life.


To dream of being on a veranda indicates that you will successfully overcome a problem that was giving you much anxiety. Alternatively, the dream represents your outlook in life.


To hear a verdict in your dream indicates that it is time for you to face the truth. The dream also means that you are being judged and criticized for your actions.


To see vermin crawling in your dream signifies sickness and trouble. You will be faced with many disappointments and obstacles. Alternatively, the dream refers to some dirty situation.


To dream of a vertical line or something that is vertical symbolizes the spiritual realm and the supernatural.


To dream that you have vertigo indicates an imbalance and lack of confidence in some situation. You are experiencing feelings of anxiety and discomfort.


To see a vessel in your dream symbolizes labor, industry and activity. Alternatively, a vessel refers to a major emotional issue.


To dream that you are wearing a vest represents your compassion for others. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on being “vested” in something or someone.


To see a veterinarian in your dream indicates that you need to tame your instinctive behavior and subconscious self so that it is more socially acceptable.


To dream that you are vex about something parallels waking issues that are bothering you. You need to address these issues or else they will continue to recur in your dreams.


To feel a vibration in your dream suggests that you need to pay more attention to your intuition and to your emotional side. Alternatively, the dream refers to some sexual need.


To see or use a vibrator in your dream signifies your desires to awaken your sexuality.


To see a vicar in your dream suggests that you need to recognize your spiritual needs.


To dream that you are a victim suggests that you are being oppressed and overpowered by others. Such dreams suggest that you are feeling powerless and helpless in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are unwilling to take responsibility for your choices.


To dream that you are in the Victorian period indicates that you are feeling sexually repressed. You feel you are unable to full express yourself. If you are wearing Victorian style clothes, then it means that you are feeling confined or restricted in some way. The dreaming mind likes to play word games and so the dream may point to someone in your life who is named “Vicky” or “Victoria”. Or it can signify victory!


To dream of victory over something represents confidence in your abilities. You are seeking motivation in the course that you are taking. Sometimes you need to imagine or visualize success before actually achieving it.


To dream that you are editing a video means that you are manipulating how someone views you. You are trying to keep up appearances and act as if everything in your life is going smoothly.

Video Chat

To dream that you are on video chat refers to your desires to connect with someone on an emotional and mental level. You want to convey your feelings to them. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to keep your distance from some situation or relationship.

Video Camera

To dream that you are using a video camera suggests that you need to be more objective in your decisions. Focus on the task at hand and try not to let your emotions cloud your judgment.

To dream that someone is using a video camera indicates that you are reflecting back on your past and old memories. You may be trying to learn from previous mistakes or relive the good and bad times.

Video Game

To dream that you are playing a video game represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, playing a video game suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems in your real life, instead of confronting it. Consider the type of video game and video game character for additional insights.

To see or dream that you are a character in a video game suggests that you are feeling controlled and manipulated by others. You feel that you have no control over your actions or are not taking responsibility for them.

To dream that your real life has turned into a video game implies that you are lacking any ambition and drive. You don’t have any direction in life and what you want to do. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to always be on the alert.

Video Store

To dream that you are in a video store represents the various chapters and aspects of your life. It is a summary of your life experiences. Consider the title of the video that you are looking for or that you are renting and how it relates to your waking life.


To watch a videotape in your dream indicates that you need to stop and relax. Take a break from life and let your mind rest. Consider the title of the videotape or what you are watching and determine how it relates to your waking life. It may also represent past memories or repressed thoughts that are playing out as the dream videotape.

If you are rewinding the videotape, then it suggests that you are experiencing regret or remorse over your past actions.

If you are forwarding the videotape, then it suggests that you are trying to escape from some current situation.


To dream that you attend a vigil suggests that you are looking for comfort and mutual understanding, especially with a difficult situation.


To see a Viking in your dream indicates that you are feeling violated or conflicted in some way. You are facing a confrontational situation.

To dream that you are a Viking represents exploration of your subconscious thoughts. It also means that you are taking a chance at some emotional relationship.

Viking Hat

To see or wear a Viking hat in your dream refers to your desire to stand out from the rest. You are looking for attention. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking to break out of your shell.


To dream that you are in a village represents restrictions. You need to follow the rules. Alternatively, a village signifies community, simplicity, and tradition.


To see a villain in your dream symbolizes the negative aspects of your own self that you are ashamed about or not proud of.


To see or drink vinegar in your dream suggests that you are feeling sour about some situation. It may denote a relationship that has gone sour. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you to make the best out of a bad situation. You are worrying too much.


To see vines in your dream represent your hopes ambitious thoughts or ideas. Alternatively, vines symbolize a clingy relationship. Perhaps you feel trapped and are searching to break free. Your emotions could be holding you back.

To see grape vines in your dream symbolize rewards, prosperity, and spirituality. Grape vines signify sexuality and sensuality.


To see a vineyard in your dream represents the fruits of your labor and your life experiences. You hard work and effort will pay off in the long run.


To wear vinyl in your dream represents your lack of freedom and limited abilities. You are feeling restricted in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes a shield that you have put up to protect yourself against some emotional hurt.

To see something vinyl in your dream suggests that you are not being genuine and true to yourself.

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