What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Waiting, Waffle, Walking …..
To see the letter “W” in your dream is a reiteration of “you”. You need to focus on you and only you.
To dream of installing wadding into something indicates your need for security and to be protected. Alternatively, the dream may be analogous to your fears of gaining weight or getting fat.
To dream of wading in water symbolizes your power and control over your emotions.
Consider the depth and clarity of the water to determine how much power and control you have over the circumstances and situations in your life.
To dream that you are eating a wafer suggests that you need more diversity and spontaneity. You need to gain a better understanding of various facets in your life and incorporate them together. Alternatively, the wafer symbolizes something or some situation that you need to handle with care.
To dream of eating a waffle indicates that you need to come down from your lofty ideals and approach life from a more pragmatic perspective. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are “waffling” or undecided over some matter.
To dream that you are waffling over a topic suggests that you need to think things more clearly and learn to express yourself with more assurance and conviction.
To dream that you are wagering on something represents a risk that you are taking in some waking situation. Sometimes life is a gamble.
To dream that you are paying out wages suggest that you are indebted to someone. Alternatively, it indicates that you are giving more than you are getting back. You feel that a relationship is too one-sided. As a result, you are feeling emotionally exhausted.
To dream that you are receiving wages symbolize a reward for a job well done. Alternatively, it signifies receipt of love.
To see a covered wagon in your dream is symbolic of difficulties and difficulties that you are carrying with you. It signifies your thrifty nature and your unwillingness to take risks. The dream may also be a metaphor that you have “fallen off the wagon”. You have broken a resolution or promise to yourself.
To see a red wagon in your dream represents childhood joy and light-hearted fun.
To see an empty and abandoned wagon in your dream signifies loss and dissatisfaction with the current state of your life.
To see a wagtail in your dream suggests that you are always alert. You are in tune with your surroundings. Alternatively, a wagtail may imply joy, contentment and happiness.
To see or dream that you are a waif indicates feelings of insecurity. You are feeling unsure of yourself and where you are headed.
To see a waif model in your dream represents the unrealistic goals you have for yourself. Alternatively, it highlights your issues with weight.
To hear a wail in your dream symbolizes some sadness, pain or suffering of someone around you. If you are wailing, then the dream may serve as an avenue in which you can freely release such emotions that may not be appropriate in your waking life.
To notice your waist in your dream suggests that you are concerned about your diet or weight. The dream may also be a pun on “wasting” time, money, or some aspect of your life.
To dream that you are a waiter or waitress indicates that you are too busy catering to the needs and demands of others, instead of your own. You feel that you are underappreciated as you wait on others hand and foot. You need to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Consider the quality of service that you are giving for additional significance.
To see a waiter in your dream indicates that you need to be nurtured and to feel special. The dream may also be a pun to be patient. Learn to wait.
To dream that you are waiting is indicative of issues of power/control and feelings of dependence/independence, especially in a relationship. Consider how you feel in the dream while you were waiting. If you are patient, then you know things will happen at their own pace. If you are impatient, then it means that you are being too demanding or that your expectations are too high.
Alternatively, the dream may denote your expectations and anxieties about some unknown situation or decision. You are experiencing a sense of anticipation or uneasiness.
To dream that you keep someone else waiting implies that you are taking advantage of this person. You Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are not spending enough time with this person in your waking life. You are too busy doing your own thing that you have overlooked this person.
Waiting Room
To dream that you are in a waiting room symbolizes your patience. You have an ability to remain calm, even during a crisis.
To dream that you attend a wake refers to your grieving process. You need to find closure. It is okay to seek the support in order to help you get through a difficult time. Alternatively, the dream suggests that it is time to celebrate the positive qualities of someone who is no longer in your life.
To dream that you are waking up in your dream indicates that something is missing or lacking in your life. There is an aspect of your life that you are not utilizing to its fullest potential. You are not recognizing your abilities. The dream is literally telling you to open your eyes and wake up! Alternatively, waking up in your dream may be a signal of a lucid dream.
To see or use a walker in your dream implies that you are not letting any hardships or obstacles stand in your way. The walker is symbolic of your determination and perseverance. Alternatively, the walker represents mobility.
Walkie Talkie
To see or use a walkie talkie in your dream suggests that you need to be both receptive and communicative in some waking work situation or personal relationship. Remember that communication is two-way. You need to learn to speak and to listen. The clarity of the message is symbolic of how poorly or how well you are communicating your feelings, ideas, or thoughts. Alternatively, the dream is a metaphor telling you that if you walk the walk, you need to talk the talk.
To dream that you are walking with ease signifies a slow, but steady progress toward your goals. You are moving through life in a confident manner. Consider your destination.
To dream that you have difficulties walking indicates that you are reluctant and hesitant in proceeding forward in some situation. You may also be trying to distance yourself from certain life experiences. The difficulty in walking is a reflection of your current situation and the obstacles that you are experiencing.
To dream that you are walking on air refers to your carefree and upbeat attitude. It also signifies confidence; you feel almost invincible. You achieve your goals with relative ease. This dream is a variant of a flying dream. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you have lost grasped of reality.
If you are walking on rocks in your dream, then it indicates that you are on shaky ground. You may be involved in an uneasy situation. The dream may also be telling you not to get too comfortable or too arrogant.
Dreaming that you are walking on all fours suggests that you are not measuring up to others’ expectations of you. You may be lowering yourself or your standards. Alternatively, being on all fours means that you need to trust your instincts. To see someone on all fours in your dream indicates that you are looking down on them.
Walking Stick
To see or use a walking stick in your dream suggests that you are in need of support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
To see or use a walkman in your dream represents a message from your subconscious that you need to place close attention to. Alternatively, listening to a walkman symbolizes relaxation, pleasure, and ease. You are enjoying life and its beat. The dream may be a pun on how you need to “walk” more and be active. Stop sitting around.
To see a wall in your dream signifies limitations, obstacles and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. Alternatively, the wall indicates that you are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking. You feel stuck. If you dream of blood on the walls, then it is a warning of sorts. There is a situation that you need to confront. You can not avoid it any longer.
To dream that you jump over a wall suggests that you are able to confront tough obstacles and get around barriers with success and ease.
To dream that you demolish or break down a wall indicates that you are breaking through obstacles and overcoming your limitations. It also means that you desire some freedom and independence. If you see a wall crumble, then it suggests that you have risen above your problems and overcame your barriers.
To dream that you are building a wall refers to a bad relationship or childhood trauma. You are trying to keep others out for fear of getting hurt again. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have accepted your limitations.
To dream that you are hiding behind a wall suggests that you ashamed in acknowledging your connections.
To dream that you are being thrown or shot through a wall means that you need to literally breakdown those walls that you have put up around you. You need to venture out and explore.
To dream that a house has no walls represents a lack of privacy. You feel that everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business.
To see your wallet in your dream symbolizes your self-identity or financial security.
To dream that your wallet has been stolen indicates that someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Perhaps someone has “stolen” your heart away.
To dream that you lose your wallet suggests that you need to be more cautious and careful about your spending and finances. It is time to be more responsible with your money. Alternatively, losing your wallet indicates that you are losing touch with your true identity. You are experiencing some anxiety over changes and uncertainties happening in your life. If you find a wallet, then it indicates that you have regained financial stability.
To see an empty wallet in your dream represents financial worries. Alternatively, it refers to an emotional void or inner emptiness.
Dreaming that someone gives you a wallet with money in it means that you are looking for acceptance
To dream that you or someone is hanging up wallpaper signifies that you are putting up a barrier or some sort of shield between yourself and others. It also suggest that you are covering something up or that you are hiding a secret. Alternatively, the dream may mean something that needs beautifying. Consider the color and pattern of the wallpaper, as it will offer clues as to the kind of barrier, secret or feeling that you are putting up.
To dream that you are peeling or stripping off wallpaper denotes that you are beginning to let your guard down. You are breaking down your barrier one layer at a time. It also indicates that you are revealing aspects of yourself that have been kept well hidden.