
What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Ex, Ex-Boyfriend, Ex-Girlfriend …..

What Does It Mean to See in a Dream …… Ex, Ex-Boyfriend, Ex-Girlfriend …..


To see evergreen trees in your dream signify wealth, happiness, immortality, high aspirations, and knowledge. The dream represents the cycle of life and may be trying to offer you hope in the midst of despair. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor to be “ever green” as in to be more environmentally conscious.


To dream that you are being evicted suggests that a present situation or relationship is making you feel helpless and powerless. You feel that you cannot fend for yourself and feel you do not belong. Alternatively, you believe that you are being unfairly treated.


To dream that someone or something is evil denotes a repressed and/or forbidden aspect of yourself. This part of yourself may be seeking recognition and acknowledgment. Alternatively, evil may also be a reflection of your strong, negative emotions like hate, anger, etc.


To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife, that you and your ex are kissing/fighting or that you and your ex got back together again suggests that something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during that relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to similar behavioral patterns in your current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistakes. Alternatively, you may be reflecting on the positive experiences and good times that you shared with your past love. Dreams of getting back together with your ex or of your ex wanting to get back together with you may not necessarily be a reflection of reality. This dream may be triggered by some major change in your current relationship and how far you have come from those past relationships.

In particular, to see your ex-husband/wife in your dream indicates that you are currently finding yourself in a situation that you do not want to be in. It suggests that you are experiencing a similar relationship or situation which makes you feel unhappy and uncomfortable. Alternatively, dreaming that you are together with your ex-husband/wife implies that you are subconsciously repeating the same old patterns from that relationship to your current relationship. You are making the same mistakes and reacting the same way.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is missing you suggests that you “miss” some aspect of that past relationship. A situation in your current life may be reminding you of your relationship with your ex. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you have moved on with your life. The notion that your ex is missing you may be a pun on that he has “missed” his opportunity or “missed” his chance with you.

To see your mate’s ex in your dream suggests that you are comparing yourself to the ex. The dream is telling you not to make the same relationship mistakes that ended that relationship.

To dream that you ex has died indicates that your feelings for your ex are completely dead now. The dream is a metaphor of how you have let go of the past and are ready to move on and fully devote yourself to new relationships.

Metaphorically, seeing your ex in your dream may also signify aspects of yourself that you have x’d out or neglected.


To see an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in your dream refers to a freer, less encumbered relationship. The dream serves to bring you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) did not interfere with the spontaneity of romance. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship. If your ex-boyfriend hurts or ignores you, then the dream is telling you to move on with your life and stop thinking about your ex. If you dream that you want your ex-boyfriend back, then the dream may reflect waking feelings of actually wanting him back. Alternatively, it means that you miss being in a relationship and to feel wanted.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you advice about your current relationship suggests that your subconscious is telling you not to repeat the same mistakes that you had made with this ex-boyfriend.

To dream that you are being massaged by your ex-boyfriend suggests that you need to let go of some of that defensiveness that you have been putting forth as a result of a past relationship. You may have put up a wall or armor around you. You need to learn to trust people again.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you a ring or proposing to you implies that your relationship with him made you feel whole and complete. The dream does not necessarily mean that you want to be together with him again, but that you are longing for a relationship that makes you feel complete. Alternatively, the dream may reflect a final end to something and the beginning of a new stage. You are ready to move on from your ex. By him proposing to you, the power is on your side whether you say yes or no.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend gives you a stuffed animal suggests that you are seeking for reassuring and nurturing aspects of a relationship. This is not to imply that you want you ex-boyfriend back. Alternatively, the dream could represent some immature relationship which may describe the relationship you had with your ex.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is admitted into the hospital means that you are still dealing with the break-up. There are still some unresolved issues left hanging. If he is released from the hospital, then it means that you have totally let go of the relationship. You have moved on. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend is dressed in a suit at a hospital, then it suggests that you have come to terms with that relationship and have completed the healing process.

To dream that you walk off or walk away with your ex-boyfriend indicates that your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex boyfriend.

To dream that you are kidnapped by your ex-boyfriend suggests that your ex still has some sort of emotional hold on you.

Dreaming that you and your ex-boyfriend is taking care of a sick child together suggests that something is still keeping you two in each other’s lives. There may be some unfinished business that still has yet to be resolved. Alternatively, the dream may parallel a situation in your waking life where you were stuck.

If you dream that your ex-boyfriend moves into your house, then it means that you two are able to co-exist and be civil to each other.


To dream of an ex-friend suggests that an object or a recent incident has subconsciously reminded you of her or him. Alternatively, the ex-friend represents a lesson you learned from the falling out. You need to apply that lesson to a current issue, problem or relationship.


To dream that your ex-girlfriend is pregnant depends if the baby is yours or not. If you dream that the baby is yours, then it implies your subconscious desires to get back with your ex-girlfriend. If the baby is not yours, then it means that you have fully accepted that the relationship is over. You still care for her even though the two of you are no longer together.

To see your ex-girlfriend’s mother in your dream indicates some unresolved issues with your ex-girlfriend. You are wanting to reach out to her mother in order to get through to the ex-girlfriend.

Dreaming about your current boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend reflects your own feelings of insecurity. You wonder if you measure up. In a way, you feel that she is still a lingering part of your current relationship, whether it is physical or psychological.

If you dream that you have an ex-girlfriend, but you do not actually have one in, then she may represent an old friend from your past. Alternatively, dreaming of a non-existent ex-girlfriend may be about how you are rejecting aspects of your feminine/emotional side.


To dream that you are taking an exam signifies insecurities, fear of not meeting others’ expectations, and fear of failure.


To dream that you are excavating something represents personal development. You are making new discoveries about yourself and uncovering your potential.


To see or drive an excavator in your dream indicates that you are ready to delve into your subconscious and confront the issues that is holding you back. You are clearing a path in order to make a new start and rid yourself of old habits and beliefs.


To dream that you are exchanging ideas, gifts, or other things signifies community and sharing of ideas. You need to give in order to take back.


To be particularly excited in your dream implies that you are lacking excitement in your waking life. This is known as a compensation dream. Alternatively, feeling excitement may just mean that you are anticipating for some big event or news.

Exclamation Point

To see an exclamation point in your dream symbolizes excitement, vigor, surprise or disbelief. You are seeing a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, the dream is an expressing an urgency in some matter.


To dream that you are excluded or feel excluded represents feelings of rejection or not fitting into a group. It may also highlight fears of not being able to keep up. You are questioning your abilities. The dream may be telling you that you are not utilizing your full potential. If you exclude something or someone, then it indicates that you are ready to let go of the past or move forward.


To see an execution in your dream suggests that there is something or someone you need to cut out from your life.

To dream of your own execution indicates that you are harboring some strong guilt. Perhaps there is a bad habit or aspect of yourself that you want to rid yourself of.


To dream that you are an executive of a corporation represents your desires for upward job mobility. You are looking for a career and have set high goals for yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to “execute” your plans. It is time to take action.


To dream that you are exercising signifies your worries about your health. You may be concerned about fitting into society’s ideals of beauty. Or you just need to get up and exercise more! Alternatively, the dream may also indicate that you need to “exercise” your rights and power in some situation.


To dream that you are exfoliating your skin means that you need to let down your guard. It may also imply that you are ready to reveal your true self.


To dream that you are at an exhibit suggests that you need to take a closer look at the various aspects of your life. The different exhibits symbolize the different facets of your personality. Alternatively, the dream indicates your need to cultivate your sense of culture.